1254 lines
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1254 lines
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![]() |
/** @odoo-module **/
import { click, editInput, getFixture, makeDeferred, mockSendBeacon, nextTick, patchWithCleanup } from "@web/../tests/helpers/utils";
import { createWebClient, doAction } from "@web/../tests/webclient/helpers";
import { makeView, setupViewRegistries } from "@web/../tests/views/helpers";
import { FileSelectorControlPanel } from "@web_editor/components/media_dialog/file_selector";
import { FormController } from '@web/views/form/form_controller';
import { HtmlField } from "@web_editor/js/backend/html_field";
import { MediaDialog } from "@web_editor/components/media_dialog/media_dialog";
import { parseHTML, setSelection } from "@web_editor/js/editor/odoo-editor/src/utils/utils";
import { onRendered, useEffect } from "@odoo/owl";
import { registry } from "@web/core/registry";
import { COLOR_PICKER_TEMPLATE, wysiwygData } from "@web_editor/../tests/test_utils";
import { OdooEditor } from '@web_editor/js/editor/odoo-editor/src/OdooEditor';
import { uploadService } from "@web_editor/components/upload_progress_toast/upload_service";
import { Wysiwyg } from "@web_editor/js/wysiwyg/wysiwyg";
import { insertText } from '@web_editor/js/editor/odoo-editor/test/utils';
async function iframeReady(iframe) {
const iframeLoadPromise = makeDeferred();
iframe.addEventListener("load", function () {
if (!iframe.contentDocument.body) {
await iframeLoadPromise;
await nextTick(); // ensure document is loaded
QUnit.module("WebEditor.HtmlField", ({ beforeEach }) => {
let serverData;
let target;
beforeEach(() => {
serverData = {
models: {
partner: {
fields: {
txt: { string: "txt", type: "html", trim: true },
records: [],
target = getFixture();
QUnit.module("Form view interactions with the HtmlField");
QUnit.test("A new MediaDialog after switching record in a Form view should have the correct resId", async (assert) => {
serverData.models.partner.records = [
{id: 1, txt: "<p>first</p>"},
{id: 2, txt: "<p>second</p>"},
let wysiwyg, mediaDialog;
const wysiwygPromise = makeDeferred();
const mediaDialogPromise = makeDeferred();
patchWithCleanup(HtmlField.prototype, {
async startWysiwyg() {
await super.startWysiwyg(...arguments);
wysiwyg = this.wysiwyg;
patchWithCleanup(MediaDialog.prototype, {
setup() {
mediaDialog = this;
this.size = 'xl';
this.contentClass = 'o_select_media_dialog';
this.title = "TEST";
this.tabs = [];
this.state = {};
// no call to super to avoid services dependencies
// this test only cares about the props given to the dialog
await makeView({
type: "form",
resId: 1,
resIds: [1, 2],
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="txt" widget="html"/>
await wysiwygPromise;
assert.containsOnce(target, ".odoo-editor-editable p:contains(first)");
// click on the pager to switch to the next record
await click(target.querySelector(".o_pager_next"));
assert.containsOnce(target, ".odoo-editor-editable p:contains(second)");
const paragraph = target.querySelector(".odoo-editor-editable p");
setSelection(paragraph, 0, paragraph, 0);
await mediaDialogPromise;
assert.equal(mediaDialog.props.resId, 2);
QUnit.test("QWeb plugin select t-field", async (assert) => {
serverData.models.partner.fields.m2o = { type: "many2one", relation: "partner" };
serverData.models.partner.records = [{
id: 1,
txt: `<span t-field='myfield'><span class="insideoftfield">demo</span></span>`
await makeView({
type: "form",
resId: 1,
resIds: [1, 2],
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="m2o" />
<field name="txt" widget="html"/>
// Manually add a t-field in the form
// to be able to test that we don't trigger the same behavior
// as if we were inside the html field
const form = target.querySelector(".o_form_view");
const span = document.createElement("span");
span.setAttribute("t-field", "bogus");
span.innerHTML = `<span class="insidebogus">bogus</span>`;
const sel = document.getSelection();
let range = new Range();
range.setStart(target.querySelector(".insideoftfield"), 0);
await nextTick();
assert.strictEqual(sel.anchorNode, target.querySelector(".o_field_html p"));
range = new Range();
range.setStart(target.querySelector(".insidebogus"), 0);
await nextTick();
assert.strictEqual(sel.anchorNode, target.querySelector(".insidebogus"));
// Dispatch an invalid event to make sure nothing crashes
// It is hard to test this, but the issue was, in firefox, the target
// was used in the handler, and was the input which did not have some function
// In chrome, it worked fine, as selectionchange's target was always the document
const customEvent = new CustomEvent("selectionchange", { bubbles: true });
Object.defineProperties(customEvent, {
target: {
value: null,
currentTarget: {
value: null,
target.querySelector(".o_field_many2one input").dispatchEvent(customEvent);
QUnit.test("discard html field changes in form", async (assert) => {
serverData.models.partner.records = [{ id: 1, txt: "<p>first</p>" }];
let wysiwyg;
const wysiwygPromise = makeDeferred();
patchWithCleanup(HtmlField.prototype, {
async startWysiwyg() {
await super.startWysiwyg(...arguments);
wysiwyg = this.wysiwyg;
await makeView({
type: "form",
resId: 1,
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="txt" widget="html" options="{'style-inline' : true}"/>
await wysiwygPromise;
const editor = wysiwyg.odooEditor;
const editable = editor.editable;
editor.testMode = true;
assert.strictEqual(editable.innerHTML, `<p>first</p>`);
const paragraph = editable.querySelector("p");
await setSelection(paragraph, 0);
await insertText(editor, "a");
assert.strictEqual(editable.innerHTML, `<p>afirst</p>`);
// For blur event here to call _onWysiwygBlur function in html_field
await editable.dispatchEvent(new Event("blur", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }));
// Wait for the updates to be saved , if we don't wait the update of the value will
// be done after the call for discardChanges since it uses some async functions.
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 100));
const discardButton = target.querySelector(".o_form_button_cancel");
await click(discardButton);
assert.strictEqual(editable.innerHTML, `<p>first</p>`);
QUnit.module('Sandboxed Preview');
QUnit.test("complex html is automatically in sandboxed preview mode", async (assert) => {
serverData.models.partner.records = [{
id: 1,
txt: `
<html xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"/>
<style type="text/css">
body {
color: blue;
await makeView({
type: "form",
resId: 1,
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="txt" widget="html"/>
assert.containsOnce(target, '.o_field_html[name="txt"] iframe[sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox"]');
QUnit.test("readonly sandboxed preview", async (assert) => {
serverData.models.partner.records = [{
id: 1,
txt: `
<html xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"/>
<style type="text/css">
body {
color: blue;
await makeView({
type: "form",
resId: 1,
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<form string="Partner">
<field name="txt" widget="html" readonly="1" options="{'sandboxedPreview': true}"/>
const readonlyIframe = target.querySelector('.o_field_html[name="txt"] iframe[sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox"]');
await iframeReady(readonlyIframe);
assert.strictEqual(readonlyIframe.contentDocument.body.innerText, 'Hello');
assert.strictEqual(readonlyIframe.contentWindow.getComputedStyle(readonlyIframe.contentDocument.body).color, 'rgb(0, 0, 255)');
assert.containsN(target, '#codeview-btn-group > button', 0, 'Codeview toggle should not be possible in readonly mode.');
QUnit.test("sandboxed preview display and editing", async (assert) => {
let codeViewState = false;
const togglePromises = [makeDeferred(), makeDeferred()];
let togglePromiseId = 0;
const writePromise = makeDeferred();
patchWithCleanup(HtmlField.prototype, {
setup() {
onRendered(() => {
if (codeViewState !== this.state.showCodeView) {
codeViewState = this.state.showCodeView;
const htmlDocumentTextTemplate = (text, color) => `
body {
color: ${color};
serverData.models.partner.records = [{
id: 1,
txt: htmlDocumentTextTemplate('Hello', 'red'),
await makeView({
type: "form",
resId: 1,
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<page string="Body" name="body">
<field name="txt" widget="html" options="{'sandboxedPreview': true}"/>
mockRPC(route, args) {
if (args.method === "web_save" && args.model === 'partner') {
assert.equal(args.args[1].txt, htmlDocumentTextTemplate('Hi', 'blue'));
// check original displayed content
let iframe = target.querySelector('.o_field_html[name="txt"] iframe[sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox"]');
assert.ok(iframe, 'Should use a sanboxed iframe');
await iframeReady(iframe);
assert.strictEqual(iframe.contentDocument.body.textContent.trim(), 'Hello');
assert.strictEqual(iframe.contentDocument.head.querySelector('style').textContent.trim().replace(/\s/g, ''),
'body{color:red;}', 'Head nodes should remain unaltered in the head');
assert.equal(iframe.contentWindow.getComputedStyle(iframe.contentDocument.body).color, 'rgb(255, 0, 0)');
// check button is there
assert.containsOnce(target, '#codeview-btn-group > button');
// edit in xml editor
await click(target, '#codeview-btn-group > button');
await togglePromises[togglePromiseId];
assert.containsOnce(target, '.o_field_html[name="txt"] textarea');
await editInput(target, '.o_field_html[name="txt"] textarea', htmlDocumentTextTemplate('Hi', 'blue'));
await click(target, '#codeview-btn-group > button');
await togglePromises[togglePromiseId];
// check dispayed content after edit
iframe = target.querySelector('.o_field_html[name="txt"] iframe[sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox"]');
await iframeReady(iframe);
assert.strictEqual(iframe.contentDocument.body.textContent.trim(), 'Hi');
assert.strictEqual(iframe.contentDocument.head.querySelector('style').textContent.trim().replace(/\s/g, ''),
'body{color:blue;}', 'Head nodes should remain unaltered in the head');
assert.equal(iframe.contentWindow.getComputedStyle(iframe.contentDocument.body).color, 'rgb(0, 0, 255)',
'Style should be applied inside the iframe.');
const saveButton = target.querySelector('.o_form_button_save');
await click(saveButton);
await writePromise;
QUnit.test("sanboxed preview mode not automatically enabled for regular values", async (assert) => {
serverData.models.partner.records = [{
id: 1,
txt: `
await makeView({
type: "form",
resId: 1,
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="txt" widget="html"/>
assert.containsN(target, '.o_field_html[name="txt"] iframe[sandbox]', 0);
assert.containsN(target, '.o_field_html[name="txt"] textarea', 0);
QUnit.test("sandboxed preview option applies even for simple text", async (assert) => {
serverData.models.partner.records = [{
id: 1,
txt: `
await makeView({
type: "form",
resId: 1,
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="txt" widget="html" options="{'sandboxedPreview': true}"/>
assert.containsOnce(target, '.o_field_html[name="txt"] iframe[sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox"]');
QUnit.module('Readonly mode');
QUnit.test("Links should open on a new tab", async (assert) => {
serverData.models.partner.records = [{
id: 1,
txt: `
<a href="/contactus">Relative link</a>
<a href="${location.origin}/contactus">Internal link</a>
<a href="https://google.com">External link</a>
await makeView({
type: "form",
resId: 1,
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="txt" widget="html" readonly="1"/>
for (const link of target.querySelectorAll('a')) {
assert.strictEqual(link.getAttribute('target'), '_blank');
assert.strictEqual(link.getAttribute('rel'), 'noreferrer');
QUnit.module('Save scenarios');
QUnit.test("Ensure that urgentSave works even with modified image to save", async (assert) => {
let sendBeaconDef;
mockSendBeacon((route, blob) => {
blob.text().then((r) => {
const { params } = JSON.parse(r);
const { args, model } = params;
if (route === '/web/dataset/call_kw/partner/web_save' && model === 'partner') {
if (writeCount === 0) {
// Save normal value without image.
assert.equal(args[1].txt, `<p class="test_target"><br></p>`);
} else if (writeCount === 1) {
// Save image with unfinished modification changes.
assert.equal(args[1].txt, imageContainerHTML);
} else if (writeCount === 2) {
// Save the modified image.
assert.equal(args[1].txt, getImageContainerHTML(newImageSrc, false));
} else {
// Fail the test if too many write are called.
assert.ok(writeCount === 2, "Write should only be called 3 times during this test");
writeCount += 1;
return true;
let formController;
// Patch to get the controller instance.
patchWithCleanup(FormController.prototype, {
setup() {
formController = this;
// Patch to get a promise to get the htmlField component instance when
// the wysiwyg is instancied.
const htmlFieldPromise = makeDeferred();
patchWithCleanup(HtmlField.prototype, {
async startWysiwyg() {
await super.startWysiwyg(...arguments);
await nextTick();
// Add a partner record and ir.attachments model and record.
id: 1,
txt: "<p class='test_target'><br></p>",
serverData.models["ir.attachment"] = wysiwygData({})["ir.attachment"];
const imageRecord = serverData.models["ir.attachment"].records[0];
// Method to get the html of a cropped image.
// Use `data-src` instead of `src` when the SRC is an URL that would
// make a call to the server.
const getImageContainerHTML = (src, isModified) => {
return `
class="img img-fluid o_we_custom_image o_we_image_cropped${isModified ? ' o_modified_image_to_save' : ''}"
${src.startsWith("/web") ? 'data-src="' : 'src="'}${src}"
`.replace(/(?:\s|(?:\r\n))+/g, ' ')
.replace(/\s?(<|>)\s?/g, '$1');
// Promise to resolve when we want the response of the modify_image RPC.
const modifyImagePromise = makeDeferred();
let writeCount = 0;
let modifyImageCount = 0;
// Valid base64 encoded image in its transitory modified state.
const imageContainerHTML = getImageContainerHTML(
// New src URL to assign to the image when the modification is
// "registered".
const newImageSrc = "/web/image/1234/cropped_transparent.png";
const mockRPC = async function (route, args) {
if (
route === '/web/dataset/call_kw/partner/web_save' &&
args.model === 'partner'
) {
assert.ok(false, "write should only be called through sendBeacon");
} else if (
route === `/web_editor/modify_image/${imageRecord.id}`
) {
if (modifyImageCount === 0) {
assert.equal(args.res_model, 'partner');
assert.equal(args.res_id, 1);
await modifyImagePromise;
return newImageSrc;
} else {
// Fail the test if too many modify_image are called.
assert.ok(modifyImageCount === 0, "The image should only have been modified once during this test");
modifyImageCount += 1;
await makeView({
type: "form",
resId: 1,
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="txt" widget="html"/>
mockRPC: mockRPC,
// Let the htmlField be mounted and recover the Component instance.
const htmlField = await htmlFieldPromise;
const editor = htmlField.wysiwyg.odooEditor;
// Simulate an urgent save without any image in the content.
sendBeaconDef = makeDeferred();
await formController.beforeUnload();
await sendBeaconDef;
// Replace the empty paragraph with a paragrah containing an unsaved
// modified image
const imageContainerElement = parseHTML(editor.document, imageContainerHTML).firstChild;
let paragraph = editor.editable.querySelector(".test_target");
editor.editable.replaceChild(imageContainerElement, paragraph);
// Simulate an urgent save before the end of the RPC roundtrip for the
// image.
sendBeaconDef = makeDeferred();
await formController.beforeUnload();
await sendBeaconDef;
// Resolve the image modification (simulate end of RPC roundtrip).
await modifyImagePromise;
await nextTick();
// Simulate the last urgent save, with the modified image.
sendBeaconDef = makeDeferred();
await formController.beforeUnload();
await sendBeaconDef;
QUnit.test("Pasted/dropped images are converted to attachments on save", async (assert) => {
// Patch to get a promise to get the htmlField component instance when
// the wysiwyg is instancied.
const htmlFieldPromise = makeDeferred();
patchWithCleanup(HtmlField.prototype, {
async startWysiwyg() {
await super.startWysiwyg(...arguments);
await nextTick();
// Add a partner record
id: 1,
txt: "<p class='test_target'><br></p>",
const mockRPC = async function (route, args) {
if (route === '/web_editor/attachment/add_data') {
// Check that the correct record model and id were sent.
assert.equal(args.res_model, 'partner');
assert.equal(args.res_id, 1);
return {
image_src: '/test_image_url.png',
access_token: '1234',
public: false,
const pasteImage = async (editor) => {
// Create image file.
const binaryImageData = atob(base64ImageData);
const uint8Array = new Uint8Array(binaryImageData.length);
for (let i = 0; i < binaryImageData.length; i++) {
uint8Array[i] = binaryImageData.charCodeAt(i);
const file = new File([uint8Array], "test_image.png", { type: 'image/png' });
// Create a promise to get the created img elements
const pasteImagePromise = makeDeferred();
const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
.filter(mutation => mutation.type === 'childList')
.forEach(mutation => {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach(node => {
if (node instanceof HTMLElement) {
observer.observe(editor.editable, { subtree: true, childList: true });
// Simulate paste.
preventDefault() {},
clipboardData: {
getData() {},
items: [{
kind: 'file',
type: 'image/png',
getAsFile: () => file,
const img = await pasteImagePromise;
return img;
await makeView({
type: "form",
resId: 1,
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="txt" widget="html"/>
mockRPC: mockRPC,
// Let the htmlField be mounted and recover the Component instance.
const htmlField = await htmlFieldPromise;
const editor = htmlField.wysiwyg.odooEditor;
const paragraph = editor.editable.querySelector(".test_target");
// Paste image.
const img = await pasteImage(editor);
// Test environment replaces 'src' by 'data-src'.
// Save changes.
// Restore 'src' attribute so that SavePendingImages can do its job.
img.src = img.dataset['src'];
await htmlField.commitChanges();
assert.equal(img.dataset['src'], '/test_image_url.png?access_token=1234');
QUnit.module('Odoo fields synchronisation');
QUnit.test("Synchronise fields when editing.", async (assert) => {
serverData.models.partner.records = [{
id: 1,
txt: `
<div data-oe-model="partner" data-oe-field="txt" data-oe-id="1" data-oe-xpath="/div[1]/div[1]">
<div data-oe-model="partner" data-oe-field="txt" data-oe-id="1" data-oe-xpath="/div[1]/div[1]">
<div data-oe-model="partner" data-oe-field="txt" data-oe-id="1" data-oe-xpath="/div[1]/div[1]">
// Patch to get a promise to get the htmlField component instance when
// the wysiwyg is instancied.
const htmlFieldPromise = makeDeferred();
patchWithCleanup(HtmlField.prototype, {
async startWysiwyg() {
await super.startWysiwyg(...arguments);
await nextTick();
let historyStepPromise;
const newHistoryStepPromise = () => {
historyStepPromise = makeDeferred();
patchWithCleanup(OdooEditor.prototype, {
historyStep() {
if (historyStepPromise) {
await makeView({
type: "form",
resId: 1,
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="txt" widget="html"/>
// Let the htmlField be mounted and recover the Component instance.
const htmlField = await htmlFieldPromise;
const editor = htmlField.wysiwyg.odooEditor;
const node = editor.editable.querySelector('p').childNodes[0];
node.textContent = 'b';
await historyStepPromise;
assert.equal(editor.editable.children[0].children[0].innerHTML.trim(), '<p>b</p>');
assert.equal(editor.editable.children[0].children[1].innerHTML.trim(), '<p>b</p>');
assert.equal(editor.editable.children[0].children[2].innerHTML.trim(), '<p>b</p>');
QUnit.test("Synchronise fields when editing containing unremovable.", async (assert) => {
serverData.models.partner.records = [{
id: 1,
txt: `
<div data-oe-model="partner" data-oe-field="txt" data-oe-id="1" data-oe-xpath="/div[1]/div[1]">
<p class="oe_unremovable">a</p>
<div data-oe-model="partner" data-oe-field="txt" data-oe-id="1" data-oe-xpath="/div[1]/div[1]">
<p class="oe_unremovable">a</p>
<div data-oe-model="partner" data-oe-field="txt" data-oe-id="1" data-oe-xpath="/div[1]/div[1]">
<p class="oe_unremovable">a</p>
// Patch to get a promise to get the htmlField component instance when
// the wysiwyg is instancied.
const htmlFieldPromise = makeDeferred();
patchWithCleanup(HtmlField.prototype, {
async startWysiwyg() {
await super.startWysiwyg(...arguments);
await nextTick();
let historyStepPromise;
const newHistoryStepPromise = () => {
historyStepPromise = makeDeferred();
patchWithCleanup(OdooEditor.prototype, {
historyStep() {
if (historyStepPromise) {
await makeView({
type: "form",
resId: 1,
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="txt" widget="html"/>
// Let the htmlField be mounted and recover the Component instance.
const htmlField = await htmlFieldPromise;
const editor = htmlField.wysiwyg.odooEditor;
const node = editor.editable.querySelector('p').childNodes[0];
node.textContent = 'b';
await historyStepPromise;
assert.equal(editor.editable.children[0].children[0].innerHTML.trim(), '<p class="oe_unremovable">b</p>');
assert.equal(editor.editable.children[0].children[1].innerHTML.trim(), '<p class="oe_unremovable">b</p>');
assert.equal(editor.editable.children[0].children[2].innerHTML.trim(), '<p class="oe_unremovable">b</p>');
QUnit.test("Synchronise fields removing an unremovable within a t-field should rollback", async (assert) => {
serverData.models.partner.records = [{
id: 1,
txt: `
<div data-oe-model="partner" data-oe-field="txt" data-oe-id="1" data-oe-xpath="/div[1]/div[1]">
<div class="oe_unremovable"><p class="oe_unremovable">a</p></div>
<div data-oe-model="partner" data-oe-field="txt" data-oe-id="1" data-oe-xpath="/div[1]/div[1]">
<div class="oe_unremovable"><p class="oe_unremovable">a</p></div>
<div data-oe-model="partner" data-oe-field="txt" data-oe-id="1" data-oe-xpath="/div[1]/div[1]">
<div class="oe_unremovable"><p class="oe_unremovable">a</p></div>
// Patch to get a promise to get the htmlField component instance when
// the wysiwyg is instancied.
const htmlFieldPromise = makeDeferred();
patchWithCleanup(HtmlField.prototype, {
async startWysiwyg() {
await super.startWysiwyg(...arguments);
await nextTick();
let historyStepPromise;
const newHistoryStepPromise = () => {
historyStepPromise = makeDeferred();
patchWithCleanup(OdooEditor.prototype, {
historyStep() {
if (historyStepPromise) {
await makeView({
type: "form",
resId: 1,
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="txt" widget="html"/>
// Let the htmlField be mounted and recover the Component instance.
const htmlField = await htmlFieldPromise;
const editor = htmlField.wysiwyg.odooEditor;
const node = editor.editable.querySelector('div.oe_unremovable');
node.textContent = 'b';
await historyStepPromise;
assert.equal(editor.editable.children[0].children[0].innerHTML.trim(), '<div class="oe_unremovable"><p class="oe_unremovable">a</p></div>');
assert.equal(editor.editable.children[0].children[1].innerHTML.trim(), '<div class="oe_unremovable"><p class="oe_unremovable">a</p></div>');
assert.equal(editor.editable.children[0].children[2].innerHTML.trim(), '<div class="oe_unremovable"><p class="oe_unremovable">a</p></div>');
QUnit.test("Embed video by pasting video URL", async (assert) => {
id: 1,
txt: "<p><br></p>",
const mockRPC = async function (route, args) {
if (route === '/web_editor/video_url/data') {
return Promise.resolve({
platform: "youtube",
embed_url: "//www.youtube.com/embed/qxb74CMR748?rel=0&autoplay=0",
await makeView({
type: "form",
resId: 1,
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="txt" widget="html" options="{'allowCommandVideo': true}"/>
mockRPC: mockRPC,
const editable = document.querySelector(".odoo-editor-editable");
const p = editable.firstElementChild;
// Paste a video URL.
const clipboardData = new DataTransfer();
clipboardData.setData('text/plain', 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxb74CMR748');
p.dispatchEvent(new ClipboardEvent('paste', { clipboardData, bubbles: true }));
assert.strictEqual(p.outerHTML, '<p>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxb74CMR748<br></p>',
"The URL should be inserted as text");
assert.isVisible($('.oe-powerbox-wrapper:contains("Embed Youtube Video")'),
"The powerbox should be opened");
// Press Enter to select first option in the powerbox ("Embed Youtube Video").
document.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keydown', { key: 'Enter' }));
await nextTick();
assert.strictEqual(p.outerHTML, '<p></p>', "URL insertion should be reverted");
'div.media_iframe_video iframe[data-src="//www.youtube.com/embed/qxb74CMR748?rel=0&autoplay=0"]',
"The video should be embedded as an iframe"
QUnit.test("link preview in Link Dialog", async (assert) => {
id: 1,
txt: "<p class='test_target'><a href='/test'>This website</a></p>",
await makeView({
type: "form",
resId: 1,
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="txt" widget="html"/>
// Test the popover option to edit the link
const a = document.querySelector(".test_target a");
// Wait for the popover to appear
await nextTick();
await nextTick();
// Click on the edit link icon
// Make sure popover is closed
await new Promise(resolve => $(a).on('hidden.bs.popover.link_popover', resolve));
let labelInputField = document.querySelector(".modal input#o_link_dialog_label_input");
let linkPreview = document.querySelector(".modal a#link-preview");
assert.strictEqual(labelInputField.value, 'This website',
"The label input field should match the link's content");
assert.strictEqual(linkPreview.innerText.replaceAll("\u200B", ""), "This website",
"Link label in preview should match label input field");
// Click on discard
await click(document, ".modal .modal-footer button.btn-secondary");
const p = document.querySelector(".test_target");
// Select link label to open the floating toolbar.
setSelection(p, 0, p, 1);
await nextTick();
// Click on create-link button to open the Link Dialog.
document.querySelector("#toolbar #create-link").click();
await nextTick();
labelInputField = document.querySelector(".modal input#o_link_dialog_label_input");
linkPreview = document.querySelector(".modal a#link-preview");
assert.strictEqual(labelInputField.value, 'This website',
"The label input field should match the link's content");
assert.strictEqual(linkPreview.innerText, 'This website',
"Link label in preview should match label input field");
// Edit link label.
await editInput(labelInputField, null, "New label");
assert.strictEqual(linkPreview.innerText, "New label",
"Preview should be updated on label input field change");
// Click "Save".
await click(document, ".modal .modal-footer button.btn-primary");
assert.strictEqual(p.innerText.replaceAll('\u200B', ''), 'New label',
"The link's label should be updated");
QUnit.test("isDirty should be false when the content is being transformed by the wysiwyg", async (assert) => {
id: 1,
txt: "<p>a<span>b</span>c</p>",
let htmlField;
const wysiwygPromise = makeDeferred();
patchWithCleanup(HtmlField.prototype, {
async startWysiwyg() {
await super.startWysiwyg(...arguments);
htmlField = this;
await makeView({
type: "form",
resId: 1,
resModel: "partner",
arch: `
<field name="txt" widget="html"/>
await wysiwygPromise;
assert.strictEqual(htmlField.wysiwyg.getValue(), '<p>abc</p>', 'the value should be sanitized by the wysiwyg');
assert.strictEqual(htmlField._isDirty(), false, 'should not be dirty as the content has not changed');
export const mediaDialogServices = {
upload: uploadService,
export const uploadTestModule = QUnit.module(
beforeEach: function () {
this.data = wysiwygData({
"mail.compose.message": {
fields: {
display_name: {
string: "Displayed name",
type: "char",
body: {
string: "Message Body inline (to send)",
type: "html",
attachment_ids: {
string: "Attachments",
type: "many2many",
relation: "ir.attachment",
records: [
id: 1,
display_name: "Some Composer",
body: "Hello",
attachment_ids: [],
function () {
QUnit.test("media dialog: upload", async function (assert) {
const onAttachmentChangeTriggered = makeDeferred();
patchWithCleanup(HtmlField.prototype, {
_onAttachmentChange(event) {
const defFileSelector = makeDeferred();
const onChangeTriggered = makeDeferred();
const webSaveTriggered = makeDeferred();
patchWithCleanup(FileSelectorControlPanel.prototype, {
setup() {
() => {
() => [],
async onChangeFileInput() {
patchWithCleanup(Wysiwyg.prototype, {
async _getColorpickerTemplate() {
// create and load form view
const serviceRegistry = registry.category("services");
for (const [serviceName, serviceDefinition] of Object.entries(mediaDialogServices)) {
serviceRegistry.add(serviceName, serviceDefinition);
const serverData = {
models: this.data,
serverData.actions = {
1: {
id: 1,
name: "test",
res_model: "mail.compose.message",
type: "ir.actions.act_window",
views: [[false, "form"]],
serverData.views = {
"mail.compose.message,false,search": "<search></search>",
"mail.compose.message,false,form": `
<field name="body" type="html"/>
<field name="attachment_ids" widget="many2many_binary"/>
const mockRPC = (route, args) => {
if (args.method === "web_save") {
const createVals = args.args[1];
assert.ok(createVals && createVals.attachment_ids);
assert.equal(createVals.attachment_ids[0][0], 4); // link command
assert.equal(createVals.attachment_ids[0][1], 5); // on attachment id "5"
if (route === "/web_editor/attachment/add_data") {
const attachment = {
id: 5,
name: "test.jpg",
description: false,
mimetype: "image/jpeg",
checksum: "7951a43bbfb08fd742224ada280913d1897b89ab",
url: false,
type: "binary",
res_id: 0,
res_model: "mail.compose.message",
public: false,
access_token: false,
image_src: "/web/image/1-a0e63e61/test.jpg",
image_width: 1,
image_height: 1,
original_id: false,
serverData.models["ir.attachment"].records.push({ ...attachment });
return Promise.resolve(attachment);
} else if (route === "/web/dataset/call_kw/ir.attachment/generate_access_token") {
return Promise.resolve(["129a52e1-6bf2-470a-830e-8e368b022e13"]);
const webClient = await createWebClient({ serverData, mockRPC });
await doAction(webClient, 1);
//trigger wysiwyg mediadialog
const fixture = getFixture();
const formField = fixture.querySelector('.o_field_html[name="body"]');
const textInput = formField.querySelector(".note-editable p");
textInput.innerText = "test";
const pText = $(textInput).contents()[0];
Wysiwyg.setRange(pText, 1, pText, 2);
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve)); //ensure fully set up
const wysiwyg = $(textInput.parentElement).data("wysiwyg");
await Promise.race([
new Promise((res, _) => setTimeout(() => res(false), 400)),
"File Selector did not mount",
// upload test
const fileInputs = document.querySelectorAll(
".o_select_media_dialog input.d-none.o_file_input",
const fileB64 =
const fileBytes = new Uint8Array(
.map((char) => char.charCodeAt(0)),
// redefine 'files' so we can put mock data in through js
fileInputs.forEach((input) =>
Object.defineProperty(input, "files", {
value: [new File(fileBytes, "test.jpg", { type: "image/jpeg" })],
fileInputs.forEach((input) => {
input.dispatchEvent(new Event("change", {}));
await Promise.race([
new Promise((res, _) => setTimeout(() => res(false), 400)),
"File change event was not triggered",
await Promise.race([
new Promise((res, _) => setTimeout(() => res(false), 400)),
"_onAttachmentChange was not called with the new attachment, necessary for unsused upload cleanup on backend"
// wait to check that dom is properly updated
await new Promise((res, _) => setTimeout(() => res(false), 400));
await click(fixture.querySelector(".o_form_button_save"));
await webSaveTriggered;