/** @odoo-module **/ import { patch } from "@web/core/utils/patch"; import { parseTextualSelection, setTestSelection, renderTextualSelection, patchEditorIframe, } from '@web_editor/js/editor/odoo-editor/test/utils'; import { Wysiwyg, stripHistoryIds } from '@web_editor/js/wysiwyg/wysiwyg'; import { Mutex } from '@web/core/utils/concurrency'; import { makeTestEnv } from "@web/../tests/helpers/mock_env"; import { makeFakeNotificationService } from "@web/../tests/helpers/mock_services"; import { mount, getFixture } from "@web/../tests/helpers/utils"; import { registry } from "@web/core/registry"; export function makeSpy(obj, functionName) { const spy = { callCount: 0, }; patch(obj, { [functionName]() { spy.callCount++; return super[functionName].apply(this, arguments); } }); return spy; } export function makeSpies(obj, methodNames) { const methods = {}; for (const methodName of methodNames) { methods[methodName] = makeSpy(obj, methodName); } return methods; } class PeerTest { constructor(infos) { this.peerId = infos.peerId; this.wysiwyg = infos.wysiwyg; this.iframe = infos.iframe; this.document = this.iframe.contentWindow.document; this.wrapper = infos.wrapper; this.pool = infos.pool; this.peers = infos.pool.peers; this._connections = new Set(); this.onlineMutex = new Mutex(); this.isOnline = true; } async startEditor() { this._started = this.wysiwyg.startEdition(); this.started = true; await this._started; if (this.initialParsedSelection) { await setTestSelection(this.initialParsedSelection, this.document); this.wysiwyg.odooEditor._recordHistorySelection(); } else { document.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } clearInterval(this.wysiwyg._collaborationInterval); return this._started; } async destroyEditor() { for (const peer of this._connections) { peer._connections.delete(this); } this.wysiwyg.destroy(); } async focus() { await this.started; return this.wysiwyg._joinPeerToPeer(); } async openDataChannel(peer) { this._connections.add(peer); peer._connections.add(this); const ptpFrom = this.wysiwyg.ptp; const ptpTo = peer.wysiwyg.ptp; ptpFrom.clientsInfos[peer.peerId] = {}; ptpTo.clientsInfos[this.peerId] = {}; // Simulate the rtc_data_channel_open on both peers. await this.wysiwyg.ptp.notifySelf('rtc_data_channel_open', { connectionClientId: peer.peerId, }); await peer.wysiwyg.ptp.notifySelf('rtc_data_channel_open', { connectionClientId: this.peerId, }); } async removeDataChannel(peer) { this._connections.delete(peer); peer._connections.delete(this); const ptpFrom = this.wysiwyg.ptp; const ptpTo = peer.wysiwyg.ptp; delete ptpFrom.clientsInfos[peer.peerId]; delete ptpTo.clientsInfos[this.peerId]; this.onlineMutex = new Mutex(); this._onlineResolver = undefined; } async getValue() { this.wysiwyg.odooEditor.observerUnactive('PeerTest.getValue'); renderTextualSelection(this.document); const html = this.wysiwyg.$editable[0].innerHTML; const selection = parseTextualSelection(this.wysiwyg.$editable[0]); if (selection) { await setTestSelection(selection, this.document); } this.wysiwyg.odooEditor.observerActive('PeerTest.getValue'); return stripHistoryIds(html); } writeToServer() { this.pool.lastRecordSaved = this.wysiwyg.getValue(); const lastId = this.wysiwyg._getLastHistoryStepId(this.pool.lastRecordSaved); for (const peer of Object.values(this.peers)) { if (peer === this || !peer._started) continue; peer.onlineMutex.exec(() => { return peer.wysiwyg._onServerLastIdUpdate(String(lastId)); }); } } async setOnline() { this.isOnline = true; this._onlineResolver && this._onlineResolver(); return this.onlineMutex.getUnlockedDef(); } setOffline() { this.isOnline = false; if (this._onlineResolver) return; this.onlineMutex.exec(async () => { await new Promise((resolve) => { this._onlineResolver = () => { this._onlineResolver = null; resolve(); } }); }); } } const initialValue = '


'; class PeerPool { constructor(peers) { this.peers = {}; } } export async function createPeers(peers) { const pool = new PeerPool(); let lastGeneratedId = 0; for (const peerId of peers) { const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1) { // Firefox reset the page without this hack. // With this hack, chrome does not render content. iframe.setAttribute('src', ' javascript:void(0);'); } getFixture().append(iframe); patchEditorIframe(iframe); iframe.contentDocument.body.innerHTML = `
`; const peerWysiwygWrapper = iframe.contentDocument.querySelector('.peer_wysiwyg_wrapper'); iframe.contentWindow.$ = $; registry.category("services").add("notification", makeFakeNotificationService(), { force: true, }); registry.category("services").add("popover", { start: () => ({ }) }, { force: true, }); const env = await makeTestEnv({ mockRPC(route) { if (route === "/web/dataset/call_kw/res.users/read") { return [{ id: 0, name: "admin" }]; } } }); const wysiwyg = await mount(Wysiwyg, peerWysiwygWrapper, { env, props: { startWysiwyg: () => {}, options: { value: initialValue, collaborative: true, collaborationChannel: { collaborationFieldName: "fake_field", collaborationModelName: "fake.model", collaborationResId: 1 }, document: iframe.contentWindow.document, } } }); patch(wysiwyg, { _generateClientId() { return peerId; }, // Hacky hook as we know this method is called after setting the value in the wysiwyg start and before sending the value to odooEditor. _getLastHistoryStepId() { pool.peers[peerId].initialParsedSelection = parseTextualSelection(wysiwyg.$editable[0]); return super._getLastHistoryStepId(...arguments); }, _serviceRpc(route, params) { if (route === '/web_editor/get_ice_servers') { return []; } else if (route === '/web_editor/bus_broadcast') { const currentPeer = pool.peers[peerId]; for (const peer of currentPeer._connections) { peer.wysiwyg.ptp.handleNotification(structuredClone(params.bus_data)); } } }, _getNewPtp() { const ptp = super._getNewPtp(...arguments); ptp.options.onRequest.get_client_avatar = () => ''; patch(ptp, { removeClient(peerId) { this.notifySelf('ptp_remove', peerId); delete this.clientsInfos[peerId]; }, notifyAllClients(...args) { // This is not needed because the opening of the // dataChannel is done through `openDataChannel` and we // do not want to simulate the events that thrigger the // openning of the dataChannel. if (args[0] === 'ptp_join') { return; } super.notifyAllClients(...args); }, _getPtpClients() { return pool.peers[peerId]._connections.map((peer) => { return { id: peer.peerId } }); }, async _channelNotify(peerId, transportPayload) { if (!pool.peers[peerId].isOnline) return; pool.peers[peerId].wysiwyg.ptp.handleNotification(structuredClone(transportPayload)); }, _createClient() { throw new Error('Should not be called.'); }, _addIceCandidate() { throw new Error('Should not be called.'); }, _recoverConnection() { throw new Error('Should not be called.'); }, _killPotentialZombie() { throw new Error('Should not be called.'); }, }); return ptp; }, _getCurrentRecord() { return { id: 1, fake_field: pool.lastRecordSaved, } }, _getCollaborationClientAvatarUrl() { return ''; }, async startEdition() { await super.startEdition(...arguments); patch(this.odooEditor, { _generateId() { // Ensure the id are deterministically gererated for // when we need to sort by them. (eg. in the // callaboration sorting of steps) lastGeneratedId++; return lastGeneratedId.toString(); }, }); }, _hasICEServers() { return true; }, _showConflictDialog() {}, }); pool.peers[peerId] = new PeerTest({ peerId, wysiwyg, iframe, wrapper: peerWysiwygWrapper, pool, }); } return pool; } export function removePeers(peers) { for (const peer of Object.values(peers)) { peer.wysiwyg.destroy(); peer.wrapper.remove(); } } const unpatchs = []; QUnit.module('web_editor', { before() { unpatchs.push( patch(Wysiwyg, { activeCollaborationChannelNames: { has: () => false, add: () => {}, delete: () => {}, }, }) ); unpatchs.push( patch(Wysiwyg.prototype, { setup() { const result = super.setup(...arguments); this.busService = { addEventListener: () => {}, removeEventListener: () => {}, addChannel: () => {}, deleteChannel: () => {}, }; return result; }, }) ); }, after() { for (const unpatch of unpatchs) { unpatch(); } } }, () => { QUnit.module('Collaboration', {}, () => { /** * Detect stale when */ QUnit.module('Focus', {}, () => { QUnit.test('Focused client should not receive step if no data channel is open', async (assert) => { assert.expect(3); const pool = await createPeers(['p1', 'p2', 'p3']); const peers = pool.peers; await peers.p1.startEditor(); await peers.p2.startEditor(); await peers.p3.startEditor(); await peers.p1.focus(); await peers.p2.focus(); await peers.p1.wysiwyg.odooEditor.execCommand('insert', 'b'); assert.equal(await peers.p1.getValue(), `


`, 'p1 should have the document changed'); assert.equal(await peers.p2.getValue(), `


`, 'p2 should not have the document changed'); assert.equal(await peers.p3.getValue(), `


`, 'p3 should not have the document changed'); removePeers(peers); }); QUnit.test('Focused client should receive step while unfocused should not (if the datachannel is open before the step)', async (assert) => { assert.expect(3); const pool = await createPeers(['p1', 'p2', 'p3']); const peers = pool.peers; await peers.p1.startEditor(); await peers.p2.startEditor(); await peers.p3.startEditor(); await peers.p1.focus(); await peers.p2.focus(); await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2); await peers.p1.wysiwyg.odooEditor.execCommand('insert', 'b'); assert.equal(await peers.p1.getValue(), `


`, 'p1 should have the same document as p2'); assert.equal(await peers.p2.getValue(), `


`, 'p2 should have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(await peers.p3.getValue(), `


`, 'p3 should not have the document changed'); removePeers(peers); }); QUnit.test('Focused client should receive step while unfocused should not (if the datachannel is open after the step)', async (assert) => { assert.expect(3); const pool = await createPeers(['p1', 'p2', 'p3']); const peers = pool.peers; await peers.p1.startEditor(); await peers.p2.startEditor(); await peers.p3.startEditor(); await peers.p1.focus(); await peers.p2.focus(); await peers.p1.wysiwyg.odooEditor.execCommand('insert', 'b'); await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2); assert.equal(await peers.p1.getValue(), `


`, 'p1 should have the same document as p2'); assert.equal(await peers.p2.getValue(), `[]


`, 'p2 should have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(await peers.p3.getValue(), `


`, 'p3 should not have the document changed because it has not focused'); removePeers(peers); }); }); QUnit.module('Stale detection & recovery', {}, () => { QUnit.module('detect stale while unfocused', async () => { QUnit.test('should do nothing until focus', async (assert) => { assert.expect(10); const pool = await createPeers(['p1', 'p2', 'p3']); const peers = pool.peers; await peers.p1.startEditor(); await peers.p2.startEditor(); await peers.p3.startEditor(); await peers.p1.focus(); await peers.p2.focus(); await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2); await peers.p1.wysiwyg.odooEditor.execCommand('insert', 'b'); await peers.p1.writeToServer(); assert.equal(peers.p1.wysiwyg._isDocumentStale, false, 'p1 should not have a stale document'); assert.equal(await peers.p1.getValue(), `


`, 'p1 should have the same document as p2'); assert.equal(peers.p2.wysiwyg._isDocumentStale, false, 'p2 should not have a stale document'); assert.equal(await peers.p2.getValue(), `


`, 'p2 should have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(peers.p3.wysiwyg._isDocumentStale, true, 'p3 should have a stale document'); assert.equal(await peers.p3.getValue(), `


`, 'p3 should not have the same document as p1'); await peers.p3.focus(); await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p3); // This timeout is necessary for the selection to be set await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve)); assert.equal(peers.p3.wysiwyg._isDocumentStale, false, 'p3 should not have a stale document'); assert.equal(await peers.p3.getValue(), `


`, 'p3 should have the same document as p1'); await peers.p1.wysiwyg.odooEditor.execCommand('insert', 'c'); assert.equal(await peers.p1.getValue(), `


`, 'p1 should have the same document as p3'); assert.equal(await peers.p3.getValue(), `


`, 'p3 should have the same document as p1'); removePeers(peers); }); }); QUnit.module('detect stale while focused', async () => { QUnit.module('recover from missing steps', async () => { QUnit.test('should recover from missing steps', async (assert) => { assert.expect(18); const pool = await createPeers(['p1', 'p2', 'p3']); const peers = pool.peers; await peers.p1.startEditor(); await peers.p2.startEditor(); await peers.p3.startEditor(); await peers.p1.focus(); await peers.p2.focus(); await peers.p3.focus(); await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2); await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p3); await peers.p2.openDataChannel(peers.p3); const p3Spies = makeSpies(peers.p3.wysiwyg, [ '_recoverFromStaleDocument', '_resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients', '_processMissingSteps', '_applySnapshot', ]); assert.equal(peers.p1.wysiwyg._historyShareId, peers.p2.wysiwyg._historyShareId, 'p1 and p2 should have the same _historyShareId'); assert.equal(peers.p1.wysiwyg._historyShareId, peers.p3.wysiwyg._historyShareId, 'p1 and p3 should have the same _historyShareId'); assert.equal(await peers.p1.getValue(), `


`, 'p1 should have the same document as p2'); assert.equal(await peers.p2.getValue(), `


`, 'p2 should have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(await peers.p3.getValue(), `


`, 'p3 should have the same document as p1'); await peers.p3.setOffline(); await peers.p1.wysiwyg.odooEditor.execCommand('insert', 'b'); assert.equal(await peers.p1.getValue(), `


`, 'p1 should have the same document as p2'); assert.equal(await peers.p2.getValue(), `


`, 'p2 should have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(await peers.p3.getValue(), `


`, 'p3 should not have the same document as p1'); await peers.p1.writeToServer(); assert.equal(peers.p1.wysiwyg._isDocumentStale, false, 'p1 should not have a stale document'); assert.equal(peers.p2.wysiwyg._isDocumentStale, false, 'p2 should not have a stale document'); assert.equal(peers.p3.wysiwyg._isDocumentStale, false, 'p3 should not have a stale document'); await peers.p3.setOnline(); assert.equal(p3Spies._recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount, 1, 'p3 _recoverFromStaleDocument should have been called once'); assert.equal(p3Spies._processMissingSteps.callCount, 1, 'p3 _processMissingSteps should have been called once'); assert.equal(p3Spies._applySnapshot.callCount, 0, 'p3 _applySnapshot should not have been called'); assert.equal(p3Spies._resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients.callCount, 0, 'p3 _resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients should not have been called'); assert.equal(await peers.p1.getValue(), `


`, 'p1 should have the same document as p2'); assert.equal(await peers.p2.getValue(), `


`, 'p2 should have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(await peers.p3.getValue(), `


`, 'p3 should have the same document as p1'); removePeers(peers); }); }); QUnit.module('recover from snapshot', async () => { QUnit.test('should wait for all peer to recover from snapshot', async (assert) => { assert.expect(19); const pool = await createPeers(['p1', 'p2', 'p3']); const peers = pool.peers; await peers.p1.startEditor(); await peers.p2.startEditor(); await peers.p3.startEditor(); await peers.p1.focus(); await peers.p2.focus(); await peers.p3.focus(); await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2); await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p3); await peers.p2.openDataChannel(peers.p3); peers.p2.setOffline(); peers.p3.setOffline(); const p2Spies = makeSpies(peers.p2.wysiwyg, [ '_recoverFromStaleDocument', '_resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients', '_processMissingSteps', '_applySnapshot', ]); const p3Spies = makeSpies(peers.p3.wysiwyg, [ '_recoverFromStaleDocument', '_resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients', '_processMissingSteps', '_applySnapshot', '_onRecoveryClientTimeout', ]); await peers.p1.wysiwyg.odooEditor.execCommand('insert', 'b'); await peers.p1.writeToServer(); assert.equal(await peers.p1.getValue(), `


`, 'p1 have inserted char b'); assert.equal(await peers.p2.getValue(), `


`, 'p2 should not have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(await peers.p3.getValue(), `


`, 'p3 should not have the same document as p1'); peers.p1.destroyEditor(); assert.equal(p2Spies._recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount, 0, 'p2 _recoverFromStaleDocument should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients.callCount, 0, 'p2 _resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._processMissingSteps.callCount, 0, 'p2 _processMissingSteps should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._applySnapshot.callCount, 0, 'p2 _applySnapshot should not have been called'); await peers.p2.setOnline(); assert.equal(await peers.p2.getValue(), `[]


`, 'p2 should have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(await peers.p3.getValue(), `


`, 'p3 should not have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(p2Spies._recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount, 1, 'p2 _recoverFromStaleDocument should have been called once'); assert.equal(p2Spies._resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients.callCount, 1, 'p2 _resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients should have been called once'); assert.equal(p2Spies._processMissingSteps.callCount, 0, 'p2 _processMissingSteps should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._applySnapshot.callCount, 0, 'p2 _applySnapshot should not have been called'); await peers.p3.setOnline(); assert.equal(await peers.p3.getValue(), `[]


`, 'p3 should have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(p3Spies._recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount, 1, 'p3 _recoverFromStaleDocument should have been called once'); assert.equal(p3Spies._resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients.callCount, 0, 'p3 _resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients should not have been called'); assert.equal(p3Spies._processMissingSteps.callCount, 1, 'p3 _processMissingSteps should have been called once'); assert.equal(p3Spies._applySnapshot.callCount, 1, 'p3 _applySnapshot should have been called once'); assert.equal(p3Spies._onRecoveryClientTimeout.callCount, 0, 'p3 _onRecoveryClientTimeout should not have been called'); removePeers(peers); }); QUnit.test('should recover from snapshot after PTP_MAX_RECOVERY_TIME if some peer do not respond', async (assert) => { assert.expect(19); const pool = await createPeers(['p1', 'p2', 'p3']); const peers = pool.peers; await peers.p1.startEditor(); await peers.p2.startEditor(); await peers.p3.startEditor(); await peers.p1.focus(); await peers.p2.focus(); await peers.p3.focus(); await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2); await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p3); await peers.p2.openDataChannel(peers.p3); peers.p2.setOffline(); peers.p3.setOffline(); const p2Spies = makeSpies(peers.p2.wysiwyg, [ '_recoverFromStaleDocument', '_resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients', '_processMissingSteps', '_applySnapshot', ]); const p3Spies = makeSpies(peers.p3.wysiwyg, [ '_recoverFromStaleDocument', '_resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients', '_processMissingSteps', '_applySnapshot', '_onRecoveryClientTimeout', ]); await peers.p1.wysiwyg.odooEditor.execCommand('insert', 'b'); await peers.p1.writeToServer(); peers.p1.setOffline(); assert.equal(await peers.p1.getValue(), `


`, 'p1 have inserted char b'); assert.equal(await peers.p2.getValue(), `


`, 'p2 should not have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(await peers.p3.getValue(), `


`, 'p3 should not have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(p2Spies._recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount, 0, 'p2 _recoverFromStaleDocument should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients.callCount, 0, 'p2 _resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._processMissingSteps.callCount, 0, 'p2 _processMissingSteps should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._applySnapshot.callCount, 0, 'p2 _applySnapshot should not have been called'); await peers.p2.setOnline(); assert.equal(await peers.p2.getValue(), `[]


`, 'p2 should have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(await peers.p3.getValue(), `


`, 'p3 should not have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(p2Spies._recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount, 1, 'p2 _recoverFromStaleDocument should have been called once'); assert.equal(p2Spies._resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients.callCount, 1, 'p2 _resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients should have been called once'); assert.equal(p2Spies._processMissingSteps.callCount, 0, 'p2 _processMissingSteps should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._applySnapshot.callCount, 0, 'p2 _applySnapshot should not have been called'); await peers.p3.setOnline(); assert.equal(await peers.p3.getValue(), `[]


`, 'p3 should have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(p3Spies._recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount, 1, 'p3 _recoverFromStaleDocument should have been called once'); assert.equal(p3Spies._resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients.callCount, 0, 'p3 _resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients should have been called once'); assert.equal(p3Spies._processMissingSteps.callCount, 1, 'p3 _processMissingSteps should have been called once'); assert.equal(p3Spies._applySnapshot.callCount, 1, 'p3 _applySnapshot should have been called once'); assert.equal(p3Spies._onRecoveryClientTimeout.callCount, 1, 'p3 _onRecoveryClientTimeout should have been called once'); removePeers(peers); }); }); QUnit.module('recover from server', async () => { QUnit.test('should recover from server if no snapshot have been processed', async (assert) => { assert.expect(16); const pool = await createPeers(['p1', 'p2', 'p3']); const peers = pool.peers; await peers.p1.startEditor(); await peers.p2.startEditor(); await peers.p3.startEditor(); await peers.p1.focus(); await peers.p2.focus(); await peers.p3.focus(); await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2); await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p3); await peers.p2.openDataChannel(peers.p3); peers.p2.setOffline(); peers.p3.setOffline(); const p2Spies = makeSpies(peers.p2.wysiwyg, [ '_recoverFromStaleDocument', '_resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients', '_processMissingSteps', '_applySnapshot', '_onRecoveryClientTimeout', '_resetFromClient', ]); const p3Spies = makeSpies(peers.p3.wysiwyg, [ '_recoverFromStaleDocument', '_resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients', '_processMissingSteps', '_applySnapshot', '_onRecoveryClientTimeout', '_resetFromClient', ]); await peers.p1.wysiwyg.odooEditor.execCommand('insert', 'b'); await peers.p1.writeToServer(); assert.equal(await peers.p1.getValue(), `


`, 'p1 have inserted char b'); assert.equal(await peers.p2.getValue(), `


`, 'p2 should not have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(await peers.p3.getValue(), `


`, 'p3 should not have the same document as p1'); peers.p1.destroyEditor(); assert.equal(p2Spies._recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount, 0, 'p2 _recoverFromStaleDocument should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients.callCount, 0, 'p2 _resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._processMissingSteps.callCount, 0, 'p2 _processMissingSteps should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._applySnapshot.callCount, 0, 'p2 _applySnapshot should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._onRecoveryClientTimeout.callCount, 0, 'p2 _onRecoveryClientTimeout should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._resetFromClient.callCount, 0, 'p2 _resetFromClient should not have been called'); // Because we do not wait for the end of the // p2.setOnline promise, p3 will not be able to reset // from p2 wich allow us to test that p3 reset from the // server as a fallback. peers.p2.setOnline(); await peers.p3.setOnline(); assert.equal(await peers.p3.getValue(), `[]


`, 'p3 should have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(p3Spies._recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount, 1, 'p3 _recoverFromStaleDocument should have been called once'); assert.equal(p3Spies._resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients.callCount, 1, 'p3 _resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients should have been called once'); assert.equal(p3Spies._processMissingSteps.callCount, 0, 'p3 _processMissingSteps should not have been called'); assert.equal(p3Spies._applySnapshot.callCount, 1, 'p3 _applySnapshot should have been called once'); assert.equal(p3Spies._onRecoveryClientTimeout.callCount, 0, 'p3 _onRecoveryClientTimeout should not have been called'); assert.equal(p3Spies._resetFromClient.callCount, 1, 'p3 _resetFromClient should have been called once'); removePeers(peers); }); QUnit.test('should recover from server if there is no peer connected', async (assert) => { assert.expect(14); const pool = await createPeers(['p1', 'p2']); const peers = pool.peers; await peers.p1.startEditor(); await peers.p2.startEditor(); await peers.p1.focus(); await peers.p2.focus(); await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2); peers.p2.setOffline(); const p2Spies = makeSpies(peers.p2.wysiwyg, [ '_recoverFromStaleDocument', '_resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients', '_processMissingSteps', '_applySnapshot', '_onRecoveryClientTimeout', '_resetFromClient', ]); await peers.p1.wysiwyg.odooEditor.execCommand('insert', 'b'); await peers.p1.writeToServer(); assert.equal(await peers.p1.getValue(), `


`, 'p1 have inserted char b'); assert.equal(await peers.p2.getValue(), `[]


`, 'p2 should not have the same document as p1'); peers.p1.destroyEditor(); assert.equal(p2Spies._recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount, 0, 'p2 _recoverFromStaleDocument should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients.callCount, 0, 'p2 _resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._processMissingSteps.callCount, 0, 'p2 _processMissingSteps should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._applySnapshot.callCount, 0, 'p2 _applySnapshot should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._resetFromClient.callCount, 0, 'p2 _resetFromClient should not have been called'); await peers.p2.setOnline(); assert.equal(await peers.p2.getValue(), `[]


`, 'p2 should have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(p2Spies._recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount, 1, 'p2 _recoverFromStaleDocument should have been called once'); assert.equal(p2Spies._resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients.callCount, 1, 'p2 _resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients should have been called once'); assert.equal(p2Spies._processMissingSteps.callCount, 0, 'p2 _processMissingSteps should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._applySnapshot.callCount, 0, 'p2 _applySnapshot should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._onRecoveryClientTimeout.callCount, 0, 'p2 _onRecoveryClientTimeout should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._resetFromClient.callCount, 0, 'p2 _resetFromClient should not have been called'); removePeers(peers); }); QUnit.test('should recover from server if there is no response after PTP_MAX_RECOVERY_TIME', async (assert) => { assert.expect(16); const pool = await createPeers(['p1', 'p2', 'p3']); const peers = pool.peers; await peers.p1.startEditor(); await peers.p2.startEditor(); await peers.p3.startEditor(); await peers.p1.focus(); await peers.p2.focus(); await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2); await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p3); await peers.p2.openDataChannel(peers.p3); peers.p2.setOffline(); peers.p3.setOffline(); const p2Spies = makeSpies(peers.p2.wysiwyg, [ '_recoverFromStaleDocument', '_resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients', '_processMissingSteps', '_applySnapshot', '_onRecoveryClientTimeout', '_resetFromClient', ]); await peers.p1.wysiwyg.odooEditor.execCommand('insert', 'b'); await peers.p1.writeToServer(); peers.p1.setOffline(); assert.equal(await peers.p1.getValue(), `


`, 'p1 have inserted char b'); assert.equal(await peers.p2.getValue(), `


`, 'p2 should not have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(await peers.p3.getValue(), `


`, 'p3 should not have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(p2Spies._recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount, 0, 'p2 _recoverFromStaleDocument should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients.callCount, 0, 'p2 _resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._processMissingSteps.callCount, 0, 'p2 _processMissingSteps should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._applySnapshot.callCount, 0, 'p2 _applySnapshot should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._resetFromClient.callCount, 0, 'p2 _resetFromClient should not have been called'); await peers.p2.setOnline(); assert.equal(await peers.p2.getValue(), `[]


`, 'p2 should have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(await peers.p3.getValue(), `


`, 'p3 should not have the same document as p1'); assert.equal(p2Spies._recoverFromStaleDocument.callCount, 1, 'p2 _recoverFromStaleDocument should have been called once'); assert.equal(p2Spies._resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients.callCount, 1, 'p2 _resetFromServerAndResyncWithClients should have been called once'); assert.equal(p2Spies._processMissingSteps.callCount, 0, 'p2 _processMissingSteps should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._applySnapshot.callCount, 0, 'p2 _applySnapshot should not have been called'); assert.equal(p2Spies._onRecoveryClientTimeout.callCount, 1, 'p2 _onRecoveryClientTimeout should have been called once'); // p1 and p3 are considered offline but not // disconnected. It means that p2 will try to recover // from p1 and p3 even if they are currently // unavailable. This test is usefull to check that the // code path to _resetFromClient is properly taken. assert.equal(p2Spies._resetFromClient.callCount, 2, 'p2 _resetFromClient should have been called twice'); removePeers(peers); }); }); }); }); QUnit.module('Disconnect & reconnect', {}, () => { QUnit.test('should sync history when disconnecting and reconnecting to internet', async (assert) => { assert.expect(2); const pool = await createPeers(['p1', 'p2']); const peers = pool.peers; await peers.p1.startEditor(); await peers.p2.startEditor(); await peers.p1.focus(); await peers.p2.focus(); await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2); await peers.p1.wysiwyg.odooEditor.execCommand('insert', 'b'); await peers.p1.setOffline(); peers.p1.removeDataChannel(peers.p2); const setSelection = peer => { const selection = peer.document.getSelection(); const pElement = peer.wysiwyg.odooEditor.editable.querySelector('p') const range = new Range(); range.setStart(pElement, 1); range.setEnd(pElement, 1); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } const addP = (peer, content) => { const p = document.createElement('p'); p.textContent = content; peer.wysiwyg.odooEditor.editable.append(p); peer.wysiwyg.odooEditor.historyStep(); } setSelection(peers.p1); await peers.p1.wysiwyg.odooEditor.execCommand('insert', 'c'); addP(peers.p1, 'd'); setSelection(peers.p2); await peers.p2.wysiwyg.odooEditor.execCommand('insert', 'e'); addP(peers.p2, 'f'); peers.p1.setOnline(); peers.p2.setOnline(); // todo: p1PromiseForMissingStep and p2PromiseForMissingStep // should be removed when the fix of undetected missing step // will be merged. (task-3208277) const p1PromiseForMissingStep = new Promise((resolve) => { patch(peers.p2.wysiwyg, { async _processMissingSteps() { // Wait for the p2PromiseForMissingStep to resolve // to avoid undetected missing step. await p2PromiseForMissingStep; super._processMissingSteps(...arguments); resolve(); } }) }); const p2PromiseForMissingStep = new Promise((resolve) => { patch(peers.p1.wysiwyg, { async _processMissingSteps() { super._processMissingSteps(...arguments); resolve(); } }) }); await peers.p1.openDataChannel(peers.p2); await p1PromiseForMissingStep; assert.equal(await peers.p1.getValue(), `




`, 'p1 should have the value merged with p2'); assert.equal(await peers.p2.getValue(), `




`, 'p2 should have the value merged with p1'); removePeers(peers); }); }); }); });