893 lines
40 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import base64
import datetime
import json
import os
import logging
import re
import requests
import werkzeug.urls
import werkzeug.utils
import werkzeug.wrappers
from itertools import islice
from lxml import etree, html
from textwrap import shorten
from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import odoo
from odoo import http, models, fields, _
from odoo.exceptions import AccessError
from odoo.http import request, SessionExpiredException
from odoo.osv import expression
from odoo.tools import OrderedSet, escape_psql, html_escape as escape
from odoo.addons.base.models.ir_qweb import QWebException
from odoo.addons.http_routing.models.ir_http import slug, slugify, _guess_mimetype
from odoo.addons.portal.controllers.portal import pager as portal_pager
from odoo.addons.portal.controllers.web import Home
from odoo.addons.web.controllers.binary import Binary
from odoo.addons.website.tools import get_base_domain
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Completely arbitrary limits
SITEMAP_CACHE_TIME = datetime.timedelta(hours=12)
class QueryURL(object):
def __init__(self, path='', path_args=None, **args):
self.path = path
self.args = args
self.path_args = OrderedSet(path_args or [])
def __call__(self, path=None, path_args=None, **kw):
path_prefix = path or self.path
path = ''
for key, value in self.args.items():
kw.setdefault(key, value)
path_args = OrderedSet(path_args or []) | self.path_args
paths, fragments = {}, []
for key, value in kw.items():
if value and key in path_args:
if isinstance(value, models.BaseModel):
paths[key] = slug(value)
paths[key] = u"%s" % value
elif value:
if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, set):
fragments.append(werkzeug.urls.url_encode([(key, item) for item in value]))
fragments.append(werkzeug.urls.url_encode([(key, value)]))
for key in path_args:
value = paths.get(key)
if value is not None:
path += '/' + key + '/' + value
if fragments:
path += '?' + '&'.join(fragments)
if not path.startswith(path_prefix):
path = path_prefix + path
return path
class Website(Home):
@http.route('/', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=True)
def index(self, **kw):
""" The goal of this controller is to make sure we don't serve a 404 as
the website homepage. As this is the website entry point, serving a 404
is terrible.
There is multiple fallback mechanism to prevent that:
- If homepage URL is set (empty by default), serve the website.page
matching it
- If homepage URL is set (empty by default), serve the controller
matching it
- If homepage URL is not set, serve the `/` website.page
- Serve the first accessible menu as last resort. It should be relevant
content, at least better than a 404
- Serve 404
Most DBs will just have a website.page with '/' as URL and keep the
homepage_url setting empty.
# prefetch all menus (it will prefetch website.page too)
top_menu = request.website.menu_id
homepage_url = request.website._get_cached('homepage_url')
if homepage_url and homepage_url != '/':
# Check for page
website_page = request.env['ir.http']._serve_page()
if website_page:
return website_page
# Check for controller
if homepage_url and homepage_url != '/':
return request._serve_ir_http()
except (AccessError, NotFound, SessionExpiredException):
# Fallback on first accessible menu
def is_reachable(menu):
return menu.is_visible and menu.url not in ('/', '', '#') and not menu.url.startswith(('/?', '/#', ' '))
reachable_menus = top_menu.child_id.filtered(is_reachable)
if reachable_menus:
return request.redirect(reachable_menus[0].url)
raise request.not_found()
@http.route('/website/force/<int:website_id>', type='http', auth="user", website=True, sitemap=False, multilang=False)
def website_force(self, website_id, path='/', isredir=False, **kw):
""" To switch from a website to another, we need to force the website in
session, AFTER landing on that website domain (if set) as this will be a
different session.
if not (request.env.user.has_group('website.group_multi_website')
and request.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_restricted_editor')):
# The user might not be logged in on the forced website, so he won't
# have rights. We just redirect to the path as the user is already
# on the domain (basically a no-op as it won't change domain or
# force website).
# Website 1 : (admin)
# Website 2 : (not logged in)
# Click on "Website 2" from Website 1
return request.redirect(path)
website = request.env['website'].browse(website_id)
if not isredir and website.domain:
domain_from = request.httprequest.environ.get('HTTP_HOST', '')
domain_to = get_base_domain(website.domain)
if domain_from != domain_to:
# redirect to correct domain for a correct routing map
url_to = werkzeug.urls.url_join(website.domain, '/website/force/%s?isredir=1&path=%s' % (website.id, path))
return request.redirect(url_to)
return request.redirect(path)
@http.route(['/@/', '/@/<path:path>'], type='http', auth='public', website=True, sitemap=False, multilang=False)
def client_action_redirect(self, path='', **kw):
""" Redirect internal users to the backend preview of the requested path
URL (client action iframe).
Non internal users will be redirected to the regular frontend version of
that URL.
path = '/' + path
mode_edit = bool(kw.pop('enable_editor', False))
if kw:
path += '?' + werkzeug.urls.url_encode(kw)
if request.env.user._is_internal():
path = request.website.get_client_action_url(path, mode_edit)
return request.redirect(path)
# ------------------------------------------------------
# Login - overwrite of the web login so that regular users are redirected to the backend
# while portal users are redirected to the frontend by default
# ------------------------------------------------------
def _login_redirect(self, uid, redirect=None):
""" Redirect regular users (employees) to the backend) and others to
the frontend
if not redirect and request.params.get('login_success'):
if request.env['res.users'].browse(uid)._is_internal():
redirect = '/web?' + request.httprequest.query_string.decode()
redirect = '/my'
return super()._login_redirect(uid, redirect=redirect)
# Force website=True + auth='public', required for login form layout
@http.route(website=True, auth="public", sitemap=False)
def web_login(self, *args, **kw):
return super().web_login(*args, **kw)
# ------------------------------------------------------
# Business
# ------------------------------------------------------
@http.route('/website/get_languages', type='json', auth="user", website=True)
def website_languages(self, **kwargs):
return [(lg.code, lg.url_code, lg.name) for lg in request.website.language_ids]
@http.route('/website/lang/<lang>', type='http', auth="public", website=True, multilang=False)
def change_lang(self, lang, r='/', **kwargs):
""" :param lang: supposed to be value of `url_code` field """
if lang == 'default':
lang = request.website.default_lang_id.url_code
r = '/%s%s' % (lang, r or '/')
lang_code = request.env['res.lang']._lang_get_code(lang)
# replace context with correct lang, to avoid that the url_for of request.redirect remove the
# default lang in case we switch from /fr -> /en with /en as default lang.
redirect = request.redirect(r or ('/%s' % lang))
redirect.set_cookie('frontend_lang', lang_code)
return redirect
@http.route(['/website/country_infos/<model("res.country"):country>'], type='json', auth="public", methods=['POST'], website=True)
def country_infos(self, country, **kw):
fields = country.get_address_fields()
return dict(fields=fields, states=[(st.id, st.name, st.code) for st in country.state_ids], phone_code=country.phone_code)
@http.route(['/robots.txt'], type='http', auth="public", website=True, multilang=False, sitemap=False)
def robots(self, **kwargs):
return request.render('website.robots', {'url_root': request.httprequest.url_root}, mimetype='text/plain')
@http.route('/sitemap.xml', type='http', auth="public", website=True, multilang=False, sitemap=False)
def sitemap_xml_index(self, **kwargs):
current_website = request.website
Attachment = request.env['ir.attachment'].sudo()
View = request.env['ir.ui.view'].sudo()
mimetype = 'application/xml;charset=utf-8'
content = None
def create_sitemap(url, content):
return Attachment.create({
'raw': content.encode(),
'mimetype': mimetype,
'type': 'binary',
'name': url,
'url': url,
dom = [('url', '=', '/sitemap-%d.xml' % current_website.id), ('type', '=', 'binary')]
sitemap = Attachment.search(dom, limit=1)
if sitemap:
# Check if stored version is still valid
create_date = fields.Datetime.from_string(sitemap.create_date)
delta = datetime.datetime.now() - create_date
content = base64.b64decode(sitemap.datas)
if not content:
# Remove all sitemaps in ir.attachments as we're going to regenerated them
dom = [('type', '=', 'binary'), '|', ('url', '=like', '/sitemap-%d-%%.xml' % current_website.id),
('url', '=', '/sitemap-%d.xml' % current_website.id)]
sitemaps = Attachment.search(dom)
pages = 0
locs = request.website.with_user(request.website.user_id)._enumerate_pages()
while True:
values = {
'locs': islice(locs, 0, LOC_PER_SITEMAP),
'url_root': request.httprequest.url_root[:-1],
urls = View._render_template('website.sitemap_locs', values)
if urls.strip():
content = View._render_template('website.sitemap_xml', {'content': urls})
pages += 1
last_sitemap = create_sitemap('/sitemap-%d-%d.xml' % (current_website.id, pages), content)
if not pages:
return request.not_found()
elif pages == 1:
# rename the -id-page.xml => -id.xml
'url': "/sitemap-%d.xml" % current_website.id,
'name': "/sitemap-%d.xml" % current_website.id,
# TODO: in master/saas-15, move current_website_id in template directly
pages_with_website = ["%d-%d" % (current_website.id, p) for p in range(1, pages + 1)]
# Sitemaps must be split in several smaller files with a sitemap index
content = View._render_template('website.sitemap_index_xml', {
'pages': pages_with_website,
'url_root': request.httprequest.url_root,
create_sitemap('/sitemap-%d.xml' % current_website.id, content)
return request.make_response(content, [('Content-Type', mimetype)])
# if not icon provided in DOM, browser tries to access /favicon.ico, eg when
# opening an order pdf
@http.route(['/favicon.ico'], type='http', auth='public', website=True, multilang=False, sitemap=False)
def favicon(self, **kw):
website = request.website
response = request.redirect(website.image_url(website, 'favicon'), code=301)
response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'public, max-age=%s' % http.STATIC_CACHE_LONG
return response
def sitemap_website_info(env, rule, qs):
website = env['website'].get_current_website()
if not (
website.viewref('website.website_info', False).active
and website.viewref('website.show_website_info', False).active
# avoid 404 or blank page in sitemap
return False
if not qs or qs.lower() in '/website/info':
yield {'loc': '/website/info'}
@http.route('/website/info', type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=sitemap_website_info)
def website_info(self, **kwargs):
Module = request.env['ir.module.module'].sudo()
apps = Module.search([('state', '=', 'installed'), ('application', '=', True)])
l10n = Module.search([('state', '=', 'installed'), ('name', '=like', 'l10n_%')])
values = {
'apps': apps,
'l10n': l10n,
'version': odoo.service.common.exp_version()
return request.render('website.website_info', values)
@http.route(['/website/configurator', '/website/configurator/<int:step>'], type='http', auth="user", website=True, multilang=False)
def website_configurator(self, step=1, **kwargs):
if not request.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_designer'):
raise werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound()
if request.website.configurator_done:
return request.redirect('/')
if request.env.lang != request.website.default_lang_id.code:
return request.redirect('/%s%s' % (request.website.default_lang_id.url_code, request.httprequest.path))
action_url = '/web#action=website.website_configurator&menu_id=%s' % request.env.ref('website.menu_website_configuration').id
if step > 1:
action_url += '&step=' + str(step)
return request.redirect(action_url)
@http.route(['/website/social/<string:social>'], type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=False)
def social(self, social, **kwargs):
url = getattr(request.website, 'social_%s' % social, False)
if not url:
raise werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound()
return request.redirect(url, local=False)
@http.route('/website/get_suggested_links', type='json', auth="user", website=True)
def get_suggested_link(self, needle, limit=10):
current_website = request.website
matching_pages = []
for page in current_website.search_pages(needle, limit=int(limit)):
'value': page['loc'],
'label': 'name' in page and '%s (%s)' % (page['loc'], page['name']) or page['loc'],
matching_urls = set(map(lambda match: match['value'], matching_pages))
matching_last_modified = []
last_modified_pages = current_website._get_website_pages(order='write_date desc', limit=5)
for url, name in last_modified_pages.mapped(lambda p: (p.url, p.name)):
if needle.lower() in name.lower() or needle.lower() in url.lower() and url not in matching_urls:
'value': url,
'label': '%s (%s)' % (url, name),
suggested_controllers = []
for name, url, mod in current_website.get_suggested_controllers():
if needle.lower() in name.lower() or needle.lower() in url.lower():
module_sudo = mod and request.env.ref('base.module_%s' % mod, False).sudo()
icon = mod and '%s' % (module_sudo and module_sudo.icon or mod) or ''
'value': url,
'icon': icon,
'label': '%s (%s)' % (url, name),
return {
'matching_pages': sorted(matching_pages, key=lambda o: o['label']),
'others': [
dict(title=_('Last modified pages'), values=matching_last_modified),
dict(title=_('Apps url'), values=suggested_controllers),
@http.route('/website/save_session_layout_mode', type='json', auth='public', website=True)
def save_session_layout_mode(self, layout_mode, view_id):
assert layout_mode in ('grid', 'list'), "Invalid layout mode"
request.session[f'website_{view_id}_layout_mode'] = layout_mode
@http.route('/website/snippet/filters', type='json', auth='public', website=True)
def get_dynamic_filter(self, filter_id, template_key, limit=None, search_domain=None, with_sample=False):
dynamic_filter = request.env['website.snippet.filter'].sudo().search(
[('id', '=', filter_id)] + request.website.website_domain()
return dynamic_filter and dynamic_filter._render(template_key, limit, search_domain, with_sample) or []
@http.route('/website/snippet/options_filters', type='json', auth='user', website=True)
def get_dynamic_snippet_filters(self, model_name=None, search_domain=None):
domain = request.website.website_domain()
if search_domain:
domain = expression.AND([domain, search_domain])
if model_name:
domain = expression.AND([
['|', ('filter_id.model_id', '=', model_name), ('action_server_id.model_id.model', '=', model_name)]
dynamic_filter = request.env['website.snippet.filter'].sudo().search_read(
domain, ['id', 'name', 'limit', 'model_name'], order='id asc'
return dynamic_filter
@http.route('/website/snippet/filter_templates', type='json', auth='public', website=True)
def get_dynamic_snippet_templates(self, filter_name=False):
domain = [['key', 'ilike', '.dynamic_filter_template_'], ['type', '=', 'qweb']]
if filter_name:
domain.append(['key', 'ilike', escape_psql('_%s_' % filter_name)])
templates = request.env['ir.ui.view'].sudo().search_read(domain, ['key', 'name', 'arch_db'])
for t in templates:
children = etree.fromstring(t.pop('arch_db')).getchildren()
attribs = children and children[0].attrib or {}
t['numOfEl'] = attribs.get('data-number-of-elements')
t['numOfElSm'] = attribs.get('data-number-of-elements-sm')
t['numOfElFetch'] = attribs.get('data-number-of-elements-fetch')
t['rowPerSlide'] = attribs.get('data-row-per-slide')
t['arrowPosition'] = attribs.get('data-arrow-position')
t['extraClasses'] = attribs.get('data-extra-classes')
t['thumb'] = attribs.get('data-thumb')
return templates
@http.route('/website/get_current_currency', type='json', auth="public", website=True)
def get_current_currency(self, **kwargs):
return {
'id': request.website.company_id.currency_id.id,
'symbol': request.website.company_id.currency_id.symbol,
'position': request.website.company_id.currency_id.position,
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Search Bar
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_search_order(self, order):
# OrderBy will be parsed in orm and so no direct sql injection
# id is added to be sure that order is a unique sort key
order = order or 'name ASC'
return 'is_published desc, %s, id desc' % order
@http.route('/website/snippet/autocomplete', type='json', auth='public', website=True)
def autocomplete(self, search_type=None, term=None, order=None, limit=5, max_nb_chars=999, options=None):
Returns list of results according to the term and options
:param str search_type: indicates what to search within, 'all' matches all available types
:param str term: search term written by the user
:param str order:
:param int limit: number of results to consider, defaults to 5
:param int max_nb_chars: max number of characters for text fields
:param dict options: options map containing
allowFuzzy: enables the fuzzy matching when truthy
fuzzy (boolean): True when called after finding a name through fuzzy matching
:returns: dict (or False if no result) containing
- 'results' (list): results (only their needed field values)
note: the monetary fields will be strings properly formatted and
already containing the currency
- 'results_count' (int): the number of results in the database
that matched the search query
- 'parts' (dict): presence of fields across all results
- 'fuzzy_search': search term used instead of requested search
order = self._get_search_order(order)
options = options or {}
results_count, search_results, fuzzy_term = request.website._search_with_fuzzy(search_type, term, limit, order, options)
if not results_count:
return {
'results': [],
'results_count': 0,
'parts': {},
term = fuzzy_term or term
search_results = request.website._search_render_results(search_results, limit)
mappings = []
results_data = []
for search_result in search_results:
results_data += search_result['results_data']
if search_type == 'all':
# Only supported order for 'all' is on name
results_data.sort(key=lambda r: r.get('name', ''), reverse='name desc' in order)
results_data = results_data[:limit]
result = []
for record in results_data:
mapping = record['_mapping']
mapped = {
'_fa': record.get('_fa'),
for mapped_name, field_meta in mapping.items():
value = record.get(field_meta.get('name'))
if not value:
mapped[mapped_name] = ''
field_type = field_meta.get('type')
if field_type == 'text':
if value and field_meta.get('truncate', True):
value = shorten(value, max_nb_chars, placeholder='...')
if field_meta.get('match') and value and term:
pattern = '|'.join(map(re.escape, term.split()))
if pattern:
parts = re.split(f'({pattern})', value, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
if len(parts) > 1:
value = request.env['ir.ui.view'].sudo()._render_template(
{'parts': parts}
field_type = 'html'
if field_type not in ('image', 'binary') and ('ir.qweb.field.%s' % field_type) in request.env:
opt = {}
if field_type == 'monetary':
opt['display_currency'] = options['display_currency']
value = request.env[('ir.qweb.field.%s' % field_type)].value_to_html(value, opt)
mapped[mapped_name] = escape(value)
return {
'results': result,
'results_count': results_count,
'parts': {key: True for mapping in mappings for key in mapping},
'fuzzy_search': fuzzy_term,
def _get_page_search_options(self, **post):
return {
'displayDescription': False,
'displayDetail': False,
'displayExtraDetail': False,
'displayExtraLink': False,
'displayImage': False,
'allowFuzzy': not post.get('noFuzzy'),
@http.route(['/pages', '/pages/page/<int:page>'], type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=False)
def pages_list(self, page=1, search='', **kw):
options = self._get_page_search_options(**kw)
step = 50
pages_count, details, fuzzy_search_term = request.website._search_with_fuzzy(
"pages", search, limit=page * step, order='name asc, website_id desc, id',
pages = details[0].get('results', request.env['website.page'])
pager = portal_pager(
url_args={'search': search},
pages = pages[(page - 1) * step:page * step]
values = {
'pager': pager,
'pages': pages,
'search': fuzzy_search_term or search,
'search_count': pages_count,
'original_search': fuzzy_search_term and search,
return request.render("website.list_website_public_pages", values)
def _get_hybrid_search_options(self, **post):
return {
'displayDescription': True,
'displayDetail': True,
'displayExtraDetail': True,
'displayExtraLink': True,
'displayImage': True,
'allowFuzzy': not post.get('noFuzzy'),
], type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=False)
def hybrid_list(self, page=1, search='', search_type='all', **kw):
if not search:
return request.render("website.list_hybrid")
options = self._get_hybrid_search_options(**kw)
data = self.autocomplete(search_type=search_type, term=search, order='name asc', limit=500, max_nb_chars=200, options=options)
results = data.get('results', [])
search_count = len(results)
parts = data.get('parts', {})
step = 50
pager = portal_pager(
url="/website/search/%s" % search_type,
url_args={'search': search},
results = results[(page - 1) * step:page * step]
values = {
'pager': pager,
'results': results,
'parts': parts,
'search': search,
'fuzzy_search': data.get('fuzzy_search'),
'search_count': search_count,
return request.render("website.list_hybrid", values)
# ------------------------------------------------------
# Edit
# ------------------------------------------------------
@http.route(['/website/add', '/website/add/<path:path>'], type='http', auth="user", website=True, methods=['POST'])
def pagenew(self, path="", add_menu=False, template=False, redirect=False, **kwargs):
# for supported mimetype, get correct default template
_, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
ext_special_case = ext and ext in _guess_mimetype() and ext != '.html'
if not template and ext_special_case:
default_templ = 'website.default_%s' % ext.lstrip('.')
if request.env.ref(default_templ, False):
template = default_templ
template = template and dict(template=template) or {}
website_id = kwargs.get('website_id')
if website_id:
website = request.env['website'].browse(int(website_id))
page = request.env['website'].new_page(path, add_menu=add_menu, sections_arch=kwargs.get('sections_arch'), **template)
url = page['url']
if redirect:
if ext_special_case: # redirect non html pages to backend to edit
return request.redirect('/web#id=' + str(page.get('view_id')) + '&view_type=form&model=ir.ui.view')
return request.redirect(request.env['website'].get_client_action_url(url, True))
if ext_special_case:
return json.dumps({'view_id': page.get('view_id')})
return json.dumps({'url': url})
@http.route('/website/get_new_page_templates', type='json', auth='user', website=True)
def get_new_page_templates(self, **kw):
View = request.env['ir.ui.view']
result = []
groups_html = View._render_template("website.new_page_template_groups")
groups_el = etree.fromstring(f'<data>{groups_html}</data>')
for group_el in groups_el.getchildren():
group = {
'id': group_el.attrib['id'],
'title': group_el.text,
'templates': [],
for template in View.search([
('mode', '=', 'primary'),
('key', 'like', escape_psql(f'new_page_template_sections_{group["id"]}_')),
], order='key'):
html_tree = html.fromstring(View.with_context(inherit_branding=False)._render_template(
for section_el in html_tree.xpath("//section[@data-snippet]"):
# data-snippet must be the short general name
snippet = section_el.attrib['data-snippet']
# Because the templates are generated from specific
# t-snippet-calls such as:
# "website.new_page_template_about_0_s_text_block",
# the generated data-snippet looks like:
# "new_page_template_about_0_s_text_block"
# while it should be "s_text_block" only.
if '_s_' in snippet:
section_el.attrib['data-snippet'] = f's_{snippet.split("_s_")[-1]}'
'key': template.key,
'template': html.tostring(html_tree),
except QWebException as qe:
# Do not fail if theme is not compatible.
logger.warning("Theme not compatible with template %r: %s", template.key, qe)
if group['templates']:
return result
@http.route("/website/get_switchable_related_views", type="json", auth="user", website=True)
def get_switchable_related_views(self, key):
views = request.env["ir.ui.view"].get_related_views(key, bundles=False).filtered(lambda v: v.customize_show)
views = views.sorted(key=lambda v: (v.inherit_id.id, v.name))
return views.with_context(display_website=False).read(['name', 'id', 'key', 'xml_id', 'active', 'inherit_id'])
@http.route('/website/reset_template', type='json', auth='user', methods=['POST'])
def reset_template(self, view_id, mode='soft', **kwargs):
""" This method will try to reset a broken view.
Given the mode, the view can either be:
- Soft reset: restore to previous architeture.
- Hard reset: it will read the original `arch` from the XML file if the
view comes from an XML file (arch_fs).
view = request.env['ir.ui.view'].browse(int(view_id))
# Deactivate COW to not fix a generic view by creating a specific
return True
@http.route(['/website/publish'], type='json', auth="user", website=True)
def publish(self, id, object):
Model = request.env[object]
record = Model.browse(int(id))
values = {}
if 'website_published' in Model._fields:
values['website_published'] = not record.website_published
return bool(record.website_published)
return False
@http.route(['/website/seo_suggest'], type='json', auth="user", website=True)
def seo_suggest(self, keywords=None, lang=None):
language = lang.split("_")
url = "http://google.com/complete/search"
req = requests.get(url, params={
'ie': 'utf8', 'oe': 'utf8', 'output': 'toolbar', 'q': keywords, 'hl': language[0], 'gl': language[1]})
response = req.content
except IOError:
return []
xmlroot = ET.fromstring(response)
return json.dumps([sugg[0].attrib['data'] for sugg in xmlroot if len(sugg) and sugg[0].attrib['data']])
@http.route(['/website/get_seo_data'], type='json', auth="user", website=True)
def get_seo_data(self, res_id, res_model):
if not request.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_restricted_editor'):
raise werkzeug.exceptions.Forbidden()
fields = ['website_meta_title', 'website_meta_description', 'website_meta_keywords', 'website_meta_og_img']
if res_model == 'website.page':
fields.extend(['website_indexed', 'website_id'])
res = {'can_edit_seo': True}
record = request.env[res_model].browse(res_id)
except AccessError:
record = record.sudo()
res['can_edit_seo'] = False
res['has_social_default_image'] = request.website.has_social_default_image
if res_model not in ('website.page', 'ir.ui.view') and 'seo_name' in record: # allow custom slugify
res['seo_name_default'] = slugify(record.display_name) # default slug, if seo_name become empty
res['seo_name'] = record.seo_name and slugify(record.seo_name) or ''
return res
@http.route(['/google<string(length=16):key>.html'], type='http', auth="public", website=True, sitemap=False)
def google_console_search(self, key, **kwargs):
if not request.website.google_search_console:
logger.warning('Google Search Console not enable')
raise werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound()
gsc = request.website.google_search_console
trusted = gsc[gsc.startswith('google') and len('google'):gsc.endswith('.html') and -len('.html') or None]
if key != trusted:
if key.startswith(trusted):
request.website.sudo().google_search_console = "google%s.html" % key
logger.warning('Google Search Console %s not recognize' % key)
raise werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound()
return request.make_response("google-site-verification: %s" % request.website.google_search_console)
@http.route('/website/google_maps_api_key', type='json', auth='public', website=True)
def google_maps_api_key(self):
return json.dumps({
'google_maps_api_key': request.website.google_maps_api_key or ''
# ------------------------------------------------------
# Themes
# ------------------------------------------------------
def _get_customize_data(self, keys, is_view_data):
model = 'ir.ui.view' if is_view_data else 'ir.asset'
Model = request.env[model].with_context(active_test=False)
domain = expression.AND([[("key", "in", keys)], request.website.website_domain()])
return Model.search(domain).filter_duplicate()
@http.route(['/website/theme_customize_data_get'], type='json', auth='user', website=True)
def theme_customize_data_get(self, keys, is_view_data):
records = self._get_customize_data(keys, is_view_data)
return records.filtered('active').mapped('key')
@http.route(['/website/theme_customize_data'], type='json', auth='user', website=True)
def theme_customize_data(self, is_view_data, enable=None, disable=None, reset_view_arch=False):
Enables and/or disables views/assets according to list of keys.
:param is_view_data: True = "ir.ui.view", False = "ir.asset"
:param enable: list of views/assets keys to enable
:param disable: list of views/assets keys to disable
:param reset_view_arch: restore the default template after disabling
if disable:
records = self._get_customize_data(disable, is_view_data).filtered('active')
if reset_view_arch:
records.write({'active': False})
if enable:
records = self._get_customize_data(enable, is_view_data)
records.filtered(lambda x: not x.active).write({'active': True})
@http.route(['/website/theme_customize_bundle_reload'], type='json', auth='user', website=True)
def theme_customize_bundle_reload(self):
Reloads asset bundles and returns their unique URLs.
return {
'web.assets_frontend': request.env['ir.qweb']._get_asset_link_urls('web.assets_frontend', request.session.debug),
# ------------------------------------------------------
# Server actions
# ------------------------------------------------------
], type='http', auth="public", website=True)
def actions_server(self, path_or_xml_id_or_id, **post):
ServerActions = request.env['ir.actions.server']
action = action_id = None
# find the action_id: either an xml_id, the path, or an ID
if isinstance(path_or_xml_id_or_id, str) and '.' in path_or_xml_id_or_id:
action = request.env.ref(path_or_xml_id_or_id, raise_if_not_found=False).sudo()
if not action:
action = ServerActions.sudo().search(
[('website_path', '=', path_or_xml_id_or_id), ('website_published', '=', True)], limit=1)
if not action:
action_id = int(path_or_xml_id_or_id)
action = ServerActions.sudo().browse(action_id).exists()
except ValueError:
# run it, return only if we got a Response object
if action:
if action.state == 'code' and action.website_published:
# use main session env for execution
action_res = ServerActions.browse(action.id).run()
if isinstance(action_res, werkzeug.wrappers.Response):
return action_res
return request.redirect('/')
class WebsiteBinary(Binary):
# Retrocompatibility routes
], type='http', auth="public", website=False, multilang=False)
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name
def website_content_image(self, id=None, max_width=0, max_height=0, **kw):
if max_width:
kw['width'] = max_width
if max_height:
kw['height'] = max_height
if id:
id, _, unique = id.partition('_')
kw['id'] = int(id)
if unique:
kw['unique'] = unique
return self.content_image(**kw)