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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from lxml.html import document_fromstring
import odoo.tests
class TestUrlCommon(odoo.tests.HttpCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestUrlCommon, self).setUp()
self.domain = 'http://' + odoo.tests.HOST
self.website = self.env['website'].create({
'name': 'test base url',
'domain': self.domain,
lang_fr = self.env['res.lang']._activate_lang('fr_FR')
self.website.language_ids = self.env.ref('base.lang_en') + lang_fr
self.website.default_lang_id = self.env.ref('base.lang_en')
def _assertCanonical(self, url, canonical_url):
res = self.url_open(url)
canonical_link = document_fromstring(res.content).xpath("/html/head/link[@rel='canonical']")
self.assertEqual(len(canonical_link), 1)
self.assertEqual(canonical_link[0].attrib["href"], canonical_url)
@odoo.tests.tagged('-at_install', 'post_install')
class TestBaseUrl(TestUrlCommon):
def test_01_base_url(self):
ICP = self.env['ir.config_parameter']
icp_base_url = ICP.sudo().get_param('web.base.url')
# Test URL is correct for the website itself when the domain is set
self.assertEqual(self.website.get_base_url(), self.domain)
# Test URL is correct for a model without website_id
without_website_id = self.env['ir.attachment'].create({'name': 'test base url'})
self.assertEqual(without_website_id.get_base_url(), icp_base_url)
# Test URL is correct for a model with website_id...
with_website_id = self.env['res.partner'].create({'name': 'test base url'})
# ...when no website is set on the model
with_website_id.website_id = False
self.assertEqual(with_website_id.get_base_url(), icp_base_url)
# ...when the website is correctly set
with_website_id.website_id = self.website
self.assertEqual(with_website_id.get_base_url(), self.domain)
# ...when the set website doesn't have a domain
self.website.domain = False
self.assertEqual(with_website_id.get_base_url(), icp_base_url)
# Test URL is correct for the website itself when no domain is set
self.assertEqual(self.website.get_base_url(), icp_base_url)
# Test URL is correctly auto fixed
domains = [
# trailing /
("https://www.monsite.com/", "https://www.monsite.com"),
# no scheme
("www.monsite.com", "https://www.monsite.com"),
("monsite.com", "https://monsite.com"),
# respect scheme
("https://www.monsite.com", "https://www.monsite.com"),
("http://www.monsite.com", "http://www.monsite.com"),
# respect port
("www.monsite.com:8069", "https://www.monsite.com:8069"),
("www.monsite.com:8069/", "https://www.monsite.com:8069"),
# no guess wwww
("monsite.com", "https://monsite.com"),
# mix
("www.monsite.com/", "https://www.monsite.com"),
for (domain, expected) in domains:
self.website.domain = domain
self.assertEqual(self.website.get_base_url(), expected)
def test_02_canonical_url(self):
# test does not work in local due to port
self._assertCanonical('/', self.website.get_base_url() + '/')
self._assertCanonical('/?debug=1', self.website.get_base_url() + '/')
self._assertCanonical('/a-page', self.website.get_base_url() + '/a-page')
self._assertCanonical('/en_US', self.website.get_base_url() + '/')
self._assertCanonical('/fr_FR', self.website.get_base_url() + '/fr')
@odoo.tests.tagged('-at_install', 'post_install')
class TestGetBaseUrl(odoo.tests.TransactionCase):
def test_01_get_base_url(self):
# Setup
web_base_url = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('web.base.url')
company_1 = self.env['res.company'].create({
'name': 'Company 1',
company_2 = self.env['res.company'].create({
'name': 'Company 2',
# Finish setup & Check cache
self.assertFalse(company_1.website_id, "No website yet created for this company.")
website_1_domain = 'https://my-website.net'
website_1 = self.env['website'].create({
'name': 'Website Test 1',
'domain': website_1_domain,
'company_id': company_1.id,
self.assertEqual(website_1, company_1.website_id, "Company cache for `website_id` should have been invalidated and recomputed.")
# Check `get_base_url()` through `website_id` & `company_id` properties
attach = self.env['ir.attachment'].create({'name': 'test base url', 'website_id': website_1.id})
self.assertEqual(attach.get_base_url(), website_1_domain, "Domain should be the one from the record.website_id.")
attach.write({'company_id': company_2.id, 'website_id': False})
self.assertEqual(attach.get_base_url(), web_base_url,
"Domain should be the one from the ICP as the record as no website_id, and it's company_id has no website_id.")
attach.write({'company_id': company_1.id})
self.assertEqual(attach.get_base_url(), website_1_domain, "Domain should be the one from the record.company_id.website_id.")
# Check advanced cache behavior..
website_2_domain = 'https://my-website-2.net'
website_2 = self.env['website'].create({
'name': 'Website Test 2',
'domain': website_2_domain,
'company_id': company_1.id,
'sequence': website_1.sequence - 1,
# .. on create ..
self.assertEqual(attach.get_base_url(), website_2_domain,
"Domain should be the one from the record.company_id.website_id and company_1.website_id should be the one with lowest sequence.")
website_1.sequence = website_2.sequence - 1
# .. on `sequence` write ..
self.assertEqual(attach.get_base_url(), website_1_domain,
"Lowest sequence is now website_2, so record.company_id.website_id should be website_1 as cache should be invalidated.")
website_1.company_id = company_2.id
# .. on `company_id` write..
self.assertEqual(attach.get_base_url(), website_2_domain, "Cache should be recomputed, only website_1 remains for company_2.")
# .. on unlink ..
self.assertEqual(attach.get_base_url(), web_base_url, "Cache should be recomputed, no more website for company_1.")
def test_02_get_base_url_recordsets(self):
Attachment = self.env['ir.attachment']
web_base_url = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('web.base.url')
self.assertEqual(Attachment.get_base_url(), web_base_url, "Empty recordset should get ICP value.")
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
# if more than one record, an error we should be raised
Attachment.search([], limit=2).get_base_url()