from odoo.tests import tagged from import TestConfiguratorCommon @tagged('post_install', '-at_install') class TestAutomaticEditor(TestConfiguratorCommon): def test_01_automatic_editor_on_new_website(self): # We create a lang because if the new website is displayed in this lang # instead of the website's default one, the editor won't automatically # start. # If not enabled (like in demo data), landing on res.config will try # to disable module_sale_quotation_builder and raise an issue group_order_template = self.env.ref('sale_management.group_sale_order_template', raise_if_not_found=False) if group_order_template: self.env.ref('base.group_user').write({"implied_ids": [(4,]}) self.env['res.lang'].create({ 'name': 'Parseltongue', 'code': 'pa_GB', 'iso_code': 'pa_GB', 'url_code': 'pa_GB', }) self.start_tour(self.env['website'].get_client_action_url('/'), 'automatic_editor_on_new_website', login='admin')