/** @odoo-module **/ import { markup } from "@odoo/owl"; import wTourUtils from "@website/js/tours/tour_utils"; // TODO remove this test; it is badly written: you just have to change the fact // that editor_enable is added on the body to silently make it useless + // useless extra_trigger + useless auto: true + ... A better duplicate of it has // been made with "website_no_dirty_page". wTourUtils.registerWebsitePreviewTour('homepage_edit_discard', { test: true, url: '/', edition: true, }, () => [{ trigger: "#oe_snippets button[data-action=\"cancel\"]:not([disabled])", extra_trigger: "body:not(:has(.o_dialog))", content: markup("Click Discard to Discard all Changes."), position: "bottom", }, { trigger: "iframe body:not(.editor_enable)", auto: true, run: () => null, }]);