/** @odoo-module **/ import wTourUtils from '@website/js/tours/tour_utils'; const WEBSITE_MAIN_COLOR = '#ABCDEF'; wTourUtils.registerWebsitePreviewTour('website_text_edition', { test: true, url: '/', edition: true, }, () => [ wTourUtils.goToTheme(), { content: "Open colorpicker to change website main color", trigger: 'we-select[data-color="o-color-1"] .o_we_color_preview', }, { content: "Input the value for the new website main color (also make sure it is independent from the backend)", trigger: '.o_hex_input', run: `text_blur ${WEBSITE_MAIN_COLOR}`, }, wTourUtils.goBackToBlocks(), wTourUtils.dragNDrop({id: 's_text_block', name: 'Text'}), { content: "Click on the text block first paragraph (to auto select)", trigger: 'iframe .s_text_block p', }, { content: "Open the foreground colorpicker", trigger: '#toolbar:not(.oe-floating) #oe-text-color', }, { content: "Go to the 'solid' tab", trigger: '.o_we_colorpicker_switch_pane_btn[data-target="custom-colors"]', }, { content: "Input the website main color explicitly", trigger: '.o_hex_input', run: `text_blur ${WEBSITE_MAIN_COLOR}`, }, { content: "Check that paragraph now uses the main color *class*", trigger: 'iframe .s_text_block p', run: function (actions) { const fontEl = this.$anchor[0].querySelector('font'); if (!fontEl) { console.error("A background color should have been applied"); return; } if (fontEl.style.backgroundColor) { console.error("The paragraph should not have an inline style background color"); return; } if (!fontEl.classList.contains('text-o-color-1')) { console.error("The paragraph should have the right background color class"); return; } }, } ]);