/** @odoo-module **/ import wTourUtils from "@website/js/tours/tour_utils"; const columnCountOptSelector = ".snippet-option-layout_column we-select[data-name='column_count_opt']"; const columnsSnippetRow = "iframe .s_three_columns .row"; wTourUtils.registerWebsitePreviewTour("website_update_column_count", { test: true, url: "/", edition: true, }, () => [ wTourUtils.dragNDrop({ id: "s_three_columns", name: "Columns", }), wTourUtils.clickOnSnippet({ id: "s_three_columns", name: "Columns", }), { content: "Open the columns count select", trigger: columnCountOptSelector, }, { content: "Set 5 columns on desktop", trigger: `${columnCountOptSelector} we-button[data-select-count='5']`, }, { content: "Check that there are now 5 items on 5 columns, and that it didn't change the mobile layout", trigger: `${columnsSnippetRow}:has(.col-lg-2:nth-child(5):not(.col-2)):not(:has(:nth-child(6)))`, isCheck: true, }, { content: "Check that there is an offset on the 1st item to center the row on desktop, but not on mobile", trigger: `${columnsSnippetRow} > .offset-lg-1:not(.offset-1):first-child`, isCheck: true, }, { content: "Open the columns count select", trigger: columnCountOptSelector, }, { content: "Set 2 columns on desktop", trigger: `${columnCountOptSelector} we-button[data-select-count='2']`, }, { content: "Check that there are still 5 items in the row and click on the last one", trigger: `${columnsSnippetRow} > :nth-child(5)`, }, { content: "Delete the item", trigger: "we-title:contains('Column'):not(:contains('Columns')) .oe_snippet_remove", }, { content: "Toggle mobile view", trigger: ".o_we_website_top_actions [data-action='mobile']", }, { content: "Check that there is 1 column on mobile and click on the selector", trigger: `${columnCountOptSelector} we-toggler:contains('1')`, }, { content: "Set 3 columns on mobile", trigger: `${columnCountOptSelector} we-button[data-select-count='3']`, }, { content: "Check that there are still 4 items but on rows of 3 columns", trigger: `${columnsSnippetRow}:has(.col-lg-6.col-4:nth-child(4))`, isCheck: true, }, // As there is no practical way to resize the items through the handles, the // next step approximates part of what could be reached. { content: "Add a fake resized class on mobile to the 2nd item", trigger: `${columnsSnippetRow} > :nth-child(2)`, run: ({ tip_widget }) => { const secondItemEl = tip_widget.$anchor[0]; secondItemEl.classList.replace("col-4", "col-6"); // As this is a hardcoded class replacement, a click is needed to // update the column count. secondItemEl.previousElementSibling.click(); }, }, { content: "Check that the counter shows 'Custom'", trigger: `${columnCountOptSelector} we-toggler:contains('Custom')`, isCheck: true, }, { content: "Click on the 2nd item", trigger: `${columnsSnippetRow} > :nth-child(2)`, }, { content: "Change the orders of the 2nd and 3rd items", trigger: "iframe .o_overlay_move_options [data-name='move_right_opt']", }, { content: "Check that the 1st item now has a class .order-0.order-lg-0" + "and that .order-1.order-lg-0 is set on the 3rd item, and .order-2.order-lg-0 on the 2nd", trigger: `${columnsSnippetRow}:has(.order-0.order-lg-0:first-child)`, extra_trigger: `${columnsSnippetRow}:has(.order-2.order-lg-0:nth-child(2) + .order-1.order-lg-0:nth-child(3))`, isCheck: true, }, { content: "Toggle desktop view", trigger: ".o_we_website_top_actions [data-action='mobile']", }, { content: "Open the columns count select", trigger: columnCountOptSelector, }, { content: "Add 2 more items through the columns counter", trigger: `${columnCountOptSelector} we-button[data-select-count='6']`, }, { content: "Check that each item has a different mobile order from 0 to 5", trigger: `${columnsSnippetRow}${[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(n => `:has(.order-${n}.order-lg-0)`).join("")}`, isCheck: true, }, { content: "Click on the 6th item", trigger: `${columnsSnippetRow} > :nth-child(6)`, }, { // TODO: remove this step. It should not be needed, but the build fails // without it. content: "Wait for move arrows to appear", trigger: "iframe .o_overlay_move_options [data-name='move_left_opt']:has(+ .d-none[data-name='move_right_opt'])", isCheck: true, }, { content: "Change the orders of the 5th and 6th items to override the mobile orders", trigger: "iframe .o_overlay_move_options [data-name='move_left_opt']", }, { content: "Check that there are no .order-X classes anymore", trigger: `${columnsSnippetRow}:not(:has(.order-0)):not(:has(.order-lg-0))`, isCheck: true, }, ]);