# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import copy from odoo.addons.base.tests.common import HttpCaseWithUserPortal, HttpCaseWithUserDemo from contextlib import nullcontext from odoo.tools import mute_logger from odoo.tests.common import HttpCase, tagged EXTRA_REQUEST = 2 - 1 """ During tests, the query on 'base_registry_signaling, base_cache_signaling' won't be executed on hot state, but new queries related to the test cursor will be added: cr = Cursor() # SAVEPOINT cr.execute(...) cr.commit() # RELEASE cr.close() """ class UtilPerf(HttpCaseWithUserPortal, HttpCaseWithUserDemo): def _get_url_hot_query(self, url, cache=True, table_count=False): """ This method returns the number of SQL Queries used inside a request. The returned query number will be the same as a "real" (outside of test mode) case: the method takes care of removing the extra queries related to the testing mode and to add the missing one from "real" use case. The goal is to ease the code reading and debugging of those perf testing methods, as one will have the same query count written in the test than it shows in "real" case logs. eg: if a page is taking X SQL query count to be loaded outside test mode in "real" case, the test is expected to also use X as query count value to be asserted/checked. :param str url: url to be checked :param bool cache: whether the QWeb `t-cache` should be disabled or not :param bool table_count: whether the method should also return data about the queried table :return: the query count plus the queried table data if ``table_count`` is ``True`` :rtype: int|tuple(int, dict) """ url += ('?' not in url and '?' or '') if cache: url += '&debug=' else: url += '&debug=disable-t-cache' # ensure worker is in hot state self.url_open(url) self.url_open(url) self.url_open(url) sql_count_before = self.cr.sql_log_count with (self.cr._enable_table_tracking() if table_count else nullcontext()): if table_count: sql_from_log_before = copy.deepcopy(self.cr.sql_from_log) sql_into_log_before = copy.deepcopy(self.cr.sql_into_log) self.url_open(url) sql_count = self.cr.sql_log_count - sql_count_before - EXTRA_REQUEST if table_count: sql_from_tables = {'base_registry_signaling': 1} # see EXTRA_REQUEST sql_into_tables = {} for table, stats in self.cr.sql_from_log.items(): query_count = stats[0] - sql_from_log_before.get(table, [0])[0] if query_count: sql_from_tables[table] = query_count for table, stats in self.cr.sql_into_log.items(): query_count = stats[0] - sql_into_log_before.get(table, [0])[0] if query_count: sql_into_tables[table] = query_count return sql_count, sql_from_tables, sql_into_tables return sql_count def _check_url_hot_query(self, url, expected_query_count, select_tables_perf=None, insert_tables_perf=None): query_count, select_tables, insert_tables = self._get_url_hot_query(url, table_count=True) self.assertEqual(query_count, expected_query_count) self.assertEqual(select_tables, select_tables_perf or {}) self.assertEqual(insert_tables, insert_tables_perf or {}) class TestStandardPerformance(UtilPerf): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls.env['res.users'].browse(2).image_1920 = b'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAIAAACQd1PeAAAADElEQVR4nGNgYGAAAAAEAAH2FzhVAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC' @mute_logger('odoo.http') def test_10_perf_sql_img_controller(self): self.authenticate('demo', 'demo') # not published user, get the not found image placeholder self.assertEqual(self.env['res.users'].sudo().browse(2).website_published, False) url = '/web/image/res.users/2/image_256' self.assertEqual(self._get_url_hot_query(url), 8) self.assertEqual(self._get_url_hot_query(url, cache=False), 8) @mute_logger('odoo.http') def test_11_perf_sql_img_controller(self): self.authenticate('demo', 'demo') self.env['res.users'].sudo().browse(2).website_published = True url = '/web/image/res.users/2/image_256' select_tables_perf = { 'base_registry_signaling': 1, 'res_users': 2, 'res_partner': 1, 'ir_attachment': 2, } self._check_url_hot_query(url, 6, select_tables_perf) self.assertEqual(self._get_url_hot_query(url, cache=False), 6) @mute_logger('odoo.http') def test_20_perf_sql_img_controller_bis(self): url = '/web/image/website/1/favicon' select_tables_perf = { 'base_registry_signaling': 1, 'website': 2, # 1. `_find_record()` performs an access right check through # `exists()` which perform a request on the website. # 2. `_get_stream_from` ends up reading the requested record to # give a name to the file (downloaded_name) 'ir_attachment': 2, # 1. `_record_to_stream()` does a `search()`.. # 2. ..followed by a `_read()` } self._check_url_hot_query(url, 5, select_tables_perf) self.assertEqual(self._get_url_hot_query(url, cache=False), 5) self.authenticate('portal', 'portal') self._check_url_hot_query(url, 5, select_tables_perf) self.assertEqual(self._get_url_hot_query(url, cache=False), 5) class TestWebsitePerformance(UtilPerf): def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.page, self.menu = self._create_page_with_menu('/sql_page') def _create_page_with_menu(self, url): name = url[1:] website = self.env['website'].browse(1) page = self.env['website.page'].create({ 'url': url, 'name': name, 'type': 'qweb', 'arch': ' \ \
\ \ ' % (name, name), 'key': 'website.page_test_%s' % name, 'is_published': True, 'website_id': website.id, 'track': False, }) menu = self.env['website.menu'].create({ 'name': name, 'url': url, 'page_id': page.id, 'website_id': website.id, 'parent_id': website.menu_id.id }) return (page, menu) def test_10_perf_sql_queries_page(self): # standard untracked website.page select_tables_perf = { 'base_registry_signaling': 1, 'ir_attachment': 1, # `_get_serve_attachment` dispatcher fallback 'website_page': 2, # 1. `_serve_page` search page matching URL.. # 2. ..then reads it (`is_visible`) 'website': 1, 'ir_ui_view': 1, # Check if `view.track` to track visitor or not } self._check_url_hot_query(self.page.url, 6, select_tables_perf) self.assertEqual(self._get_url_hot_query(self.page.url, cache=False), 10) self.menu.unlink() # page being or not in menu shouldn't add queries self._check_url_hot_query(self.page.url, 6, select_tables_perf) self.assertEqual(self._get_url_hot_query(self.page.url, cache=False), 10) def test_15_perf_sql_queries_page(self): # standard tracked website.page select_tables_perf = { 'base_registry_signaling': 1, 'ir_attachment': 1, # `_get_serve_attachment` dispatcher fallback 'website_page': 2, # 1. `_serve_page` search page matching URL.. # 2. ..then reads it (`is_visible`) 'website': 1, 'ir_ui_view': 1, # Check if `view.track` to track visitor or not } insert_tables_perf = { 'website_visitor': 1, # Visitor upsert } self.page.track = True self._check_url_hot_query(self.page.url, 7, select_tables_perf, insert_tables_perf) self.assertEqual(self._get_url_hot_query(self.page.url, cache=False), 11) self.menu.unlink() # page being or not in menu shouldn't add queries self._check_url_hot_query(self.page.url, 7, select_tables_perf, insert_tables_perf) self.assertEqual(self._get_url_hot_query(self.page.url, cache=False), 11) def test_20_perf_sql_queries_homepage(self): # homepage "/" has its own controller select_tables_perf = { 'base_registry_signaling': 1, 'website_menu': 1, # homepage controller is prefetching all menus for perf in one go 'website_page': 2, # 1. the menu prefetching is also prefetching all menu's pages # 2. find page matching the `/` url 'website': 1, 'ir_ui_view': 1, # Check if `view.track` to track visitor or not } insert_tables_perf = { 'website_visitor': 1, # Visitor upsert } self._check_url_hot_query('/', 7, select_tables_perf, insert_tables_perf) self.assertEqual(self._get_url_hot_query('/', cache=False), 9) def test_30_perf_sql_queries_page_no_layout(self): # untrack website.page with no call to layout templates self.page.arch = '
I am a blank page
' select_tables_perf = { 'base_registry_signaling': 1, 'ir_attachment': 1, # `_get_serve_attachment` dispatcher fallback 'website_page': 2, # 1. `_serve_page` search page matching URL.. # 2. ..then reads it (`is_visible`) 'ir_ui_view': 1, # Check if `view.track` to track visitor or not } self._check_url_hot_query(self.page.url, 5, select_tables_perf) self.assertEqual(self._get_url_hot_query(self.page.url, cache=False), 5) def test_40_perf_sql_queries_page_multi_level_menu(self): # menu structure should not impact SQL requests _, menu_a = self._create_page_with_menu('/a') _, menu_aa = self._create_page_with_menu('/aa') _, menu_b = self._create_page_with_menu('/b') _, menu_bb = self._create_page_with_menu('/bb') _, menu_bbb = self._create_page_with_menu('/bbb') _, menu_bbbb = self._create_page_with_menu('/bbbb') _, menu_bbbbb = self._create_page_with_menu('/bbbbb') self._create_page_with_menu('c') menu_bbbbb.parent_id = menu_bbbb menu_bbbb.parent_id = menu_bbb menu_bbb.parent_id = menu_bb menu_bb.parent_id = menu_b menu_aa.parent_id = menu_a select_tables_perf = { 'base_registry_signaling': 1, 'ir_attachment': 1, # `_get_serve_attachment` dispatcher fallback 'website_page': 2, # 1. `_serve_page` search page matching URL.. # 2. ..then reads it (`is_visible`) 'website': 1, 'ir_ui_view': 1, # Check if `view.track` to track visitor or not } self._check_url_hot_query(self.page.url, 6, select_tables_perf) self.assertEqual(self._get_url_hot_query(self.page.url, cache=False), 10) @tagged('-at_install', 'post_install') class TestWebsitePerformancePost(UtilPerf): @mute_logger('odoo.http') def test_50_perf_sql_web_assets(self): # assets route /web/assets/.. assets_url = self.env['ir.qweb']._get_asset_bundle('web.assets_frontend_lazy', css=False, js=True).get_links()[0] self.assertIn('web.assets_frontend_lazy.min.js', assets_url) select_tables_perf = { 'base_registry_signaling': 1, 'ir_attachment': 2, # All 2 coming from the /web/assets and ir.binary stack # 1. `search() the attachment` # 2. `_record_to_stream` reads the other attachment fields } self._check_url_hot_query(assets_url, 3, select_tables_perf) self.assertEqual(self._get_url_hot_query(assets_url, cache=False), 3)