
449 lines
19 KiB

# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import contextlib
import functools
import logging
from lxml import etree
import os
import unittest
import pytz
import werkzeug
import werkzeug.routing
import werkzeug.utils
import odoo
from odoo import api, models, tools
from odoo import SUPERUSER_ID
from odoo.exceptions import AccessError
from odoo.http import request
from import scriptsafe as json_scriptsafe
from import safe_eval
from odoo.osv.expression import FALSE_DOMAIN
from odoo.addons.http_routing.models import ir_http
from odoo.addons.http_routing.models.ir_http import _guess_mimetype
from odoo.addons.portal.controllers.portal import _build_url_w_params
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def sitemap_qs2dom(qs, route, field='name'):
""" Convert a query_string (can contains a path) to a domain"""
dom = []
if qs and qs.lower() not in route:
needles = qs.strip('/').split('/')
# needles will be altered and keep only element which one is not in route
# diff(from=['shop', 'product'], to=['shop', 'product', 'product']) => to=['product']
unittest.util.unorderable_list_difference(route.strip('/').split('/'), needles)
if len(needles) == 1:
dom = [(field, 'ilike', needles[0])]
dom = list(FALSE_DOMAIN)
return dom
def get_request_website():
""" Return the website set on `request` if called in a frontend context
(website=True on route).
This method can typically be used to check if we are in the frontend.
This method is easy to mock during python tests to simulate frontend
context, rather than mocking every method accessing
Don't import directly the method or it won't be mocked during tests, do:
from import ir_http
my_var = ir_http.get_request_website()
return request and getattr(request, 'website', False) or False
class Http(models.AbstractModel):
_inherit = 'ir.http'
def routing_map(self, key=None):
if not key and request:
key = request.website_routing
return super().routing_map(key=key)
def _slug_matching(cls, adapter, endpoint, **kw):
for arg in kw:
if isinstance(kw[arg], models.BaseModel):
kw[arg] = kw[arg].with_context(slug_matching=True)
qs = request.httprequest.query_string.decode('utf-8')
return, kw) + (qs and '?%s' % qs or '')
@tools.ormcache('website_id', cache='routing')
def _rewrite_len(self, website_id):
rewrites = self._get_rewrites(website_id)
return len(rewrites)
def _get_rewrites(self, website_id):
domain = [('redirect_type', 'in', ('308', '404')), '|', ('website_id', '=', False), ('website_id', '=', website_id)]
return {x.url_from: x for x in self.env['website.rewrite'].sudo().search(domain)}
def _generate_routing_rules(self, modules, converters):
if not request:
yield from super()._generate_routing_rules(modules, converters)
website_id = request.website_routing
logger.debug("_generate_routing_rules for website: %s", website_id)
rewrites = self._get_rewrites(website_id)
self._rewrite_len.cache.add_value(self, website_id, cache_value=len(rewrites))
for url, endpoint in super()._generate_routing_rules(modules, converters):
if url in rewrites:
rewrite = rewrites[url]
url_to = rewrite.url_to
if rewrite.redirect_type == '308':
logger.debug('Add rule %s for %s' % (url_to, website_id))
yield url_to, endpoint # yield new url
if url != url_to:
logger.debug('Redirect from %s to %s for website %s' % (url, url_to, website_id))
# duplicate the endpoint to only register the redirect_to for this specific url
redirect_endpoint = functools.partial(endpoint)
functools.update_wrapper(redirect_endpoint, endpoint)
_slug_matching = functools.partial(self._slug_matching, endpoint=endpoint)
redirect_endpoint.routing = dict(endpoint.routing, redirect_to=_slug_matching)
yield url, redirect_endpoint # yield original redirected to new url
elif rewrite.redirect_type == '404':
logger.debug('Return 404 for %s for website %s' % (url, website_id))
yield url, endpoint
def _get_converters(cls):
""" Get the converters list for custom url pattern werkzeug need to
match Rule. This override adds the website ones.
return dict(
def _get_public_users(cls):
public_users = super()._get_public_users()
website = request.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)['website'].get_current_website() # sudo
if website:
return public_users
def _auth_method_public(cls):
""" If no user logged, set the public user of current website, or default
public user as request uid.
if not request.session.uid:
website = request.env(user=SUPERUSER_ID)['website'].get_current_website() # sudo
if website:
if not request.uid:
def _register_website_track(cls, response):
if request.env['ir.http'].is_a_bot():
return False
if getattr(response, 'status_code', 0) != 200 or request.httprequest.headers.get('X-Disable-Tracking') == '1':
return False
template = False
if hasattr(response, '_cached_page'):
website_page, template = response._cached_page, response._cached_template
elif hasattr(response, 'qcontext'): # classic response
main_object = response.qcontext.get('main_object')
website_page = getattr(main_object, '_name', False) == '' and main_object
template = response.qcontext.get('response_template')
view = template and request.env['website'].get_template(template)
if view and view.track:
return False
def _match(cls, path):
if not hasattr(request, 'website_routing'):
website = request.env['website'].get_current_website()
request.website_routing =
return super()._match(path)
def _pre_dispatch(cls, rule, arguments):
super()._pre_dispatch(rule, arguments)
for record in arguments.values():
if isinstance(record, models.BaseModel) and hasattr(record, 'can_access_from_current_website'):
if not record.can_access_from_current_website():
raise werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound()
except AccessError:
# record.website_id might not be readable as
# unpublished `event.event` due to ir.rule, return
# 403 instead of using `sudo()` for perfs as this is
# low level.
raise werkzeug.exceptions.Forbidden()
def _get_web_editor_context(cls):
ctx = super()._get_web_editor_context()
if request.is_frontend_multilang and request.lang == cls._get_default_lang():
ctx['edit_translations'] = False
return ctx
def _frontend_pre_dispatch(cls):
if not request.context.get('tz'):
with contextlib.suppress(pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError):
website = request.env['website'].get_current_website()
user = request.env.user
# This is mainly to avoid access errors in website controllers
# where there is no context (eg: /shop), and it's not going to
# propagate to the global context of the tab. If the company of
# the website is not in the allowed companies of the user, set
# the main company of the user.
website_company_id = website._get_cached('company_id')
if == website._get_cached('user_id'):
# avoid a read on res_company_user_rel in case of public user
allowed_company_ids = [website_company_id]
elif website_company_id in user._get_company_ids():
allowed_company_ids = [website_company_id]
allowed_company_ids = user.company_id.ids
) = website.with_context(request.context)
def _dispatch(cls, endpoint):
response = super()._dispatch(endpoint)
return response
def _get_frontend_langs(cls):
# _get_frontend_langs() is used by @http_routing:IrHttp._match
# where is_frontend is not yet set and when no backend endpoint
# matched. We have to assume we are going to match a frontend
# route, hence the default True. Elsewhere, request.is_frontend
# is set.
if getattr(request, 'is_frontend', True):
website_id = request.env.get('website_id', request.website_routing)
res_lang = request.env['res.lang'].with_context(website_id=website_id)
return [code for code, *_ in res_lang.get_available()]
return super()._get_frontend_langs()
def _get_default_lang(cls):
if getattr(request, 'is_frontend', True):
website = request.env['website'].sudo().get_current_website()
return request.env['res.lang'].browse([website._get_cached('default_lang_id')])
return super()._get_default_lang()
def _get_translation_frontend_modules_name(cls):
mods = super()._get_translation_frontend_modules_name()
installed = request.registry._init_modules.union(odoo.conf.server_wide_modules)
return mods + [mod for mod in installed if mod.startswith('website')]
def _serve_page(cls):
req_page = request.httprequest.path
def _search_page(comparator='='):
page_domain = [('url', comparator, req_page)] +
return request.env[''].sudo().search(page_domain, order='website_id asc', limit=1)
# specific page first
page = _search_page()
# case insensitive search
if not page:
page = _search_page('=ilike')
if page:"Page %r not found, redirecting to existing page %r", req_page, page.url)
return request.redirect(page.url)
# redirect without trailing /
if not page and req_page != "/" and req_page.endswith("/"):
# mimick `_postprocess_args()` redirect
path = request.httprequest.path[:-1]
if request.lang != cls._get_default_lang():
path = '/' + request.lang.url_code + path
if request.httprequest.query_string:
path += '?' + request.httprequest.query_string.decode('utf-8')
return request.redirect(path, code=301)
if page and (request.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_designer') or page.is_visible):
_, ext = os.path.splitext(req_page)
response = request.render(, {
'main_object': page,
}, mimetype=_guess_mimetype(ext))
return response
return False
def _serve_redirect(cls):
req_page = request.httprequest.path
domain = [
('redirect_type', 'in', ('301', '302')),
# trailing / could have been removed by server_page
'|', ('url_from', '=', req_page.rstrip('/')), ('url_from', '=', req_page + '/')
domain +=
return request.env['website.rewrite'].sudo().search(domain, limit=1)
def _serve_fallback(cls):
# serve attachment before
parent = super()._serve_fallback()
if parent: # attachment
return parent
# minimal setup to serve frontend pages
if not request.uid:
request.params = request.get_http_params()
website_page = cls._serve_page()
if website_page:
return website_page
redirect = cls._serve_redirect()
if redirect:
return request.redirect(
_build_url_w_params(redirect.url_to, request.params),
local=False) # safe because only designers can specify redirects
def _get_exception_code_values(cls, exception):
code, values = super()._get_exception_code_values(exception)
if isinstance(exception, werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound) and request.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_designer'):
code = 'page_404'
values['path'] = request.httprequest.path[1:]
if isinstance(exception, werkzeug.exceptions.Forbidden) and \
exception.description == "website_visibility_password_required":
code = 'protected_403'
values['path'] = request.httprequest.path
return (code, values)
def _get_values_500_error(cls, env, values, exception):
View = env["ir.ui.view"]
values = super()._get_values_500_error(env, values, exception)
if 'qweb_exception' in values:
# might be int, string
exception_template = int(
except ValueError:
exception_template =
view = View._view_obj(exception_template)
if exception.html and exception.html in view.arch:
values['view'] = view
# There might be 2 cases where the exception code can't be found
# in the view, either the error is in a child view or the code
# contains branding (<div t-att-data="request.browse('ok')"/>).
et = view.with_context(inherit_branding=False)._get_combined_arch()
node = et.xpath(exception.path) if exception.path else et
line = node is not None and len(node) > 0 and etree.tostring(node[0], encoding='unicode')
if line:
values['view'] = View._views_get(exception_template).filtered(
lambda v: line in v.arch
values['view'] = values['view'] and values['view'][0]
# Needed to show reset template on translated pages (`_prepare_environment` will set it for main lang)
values['editable'] = request.uid and request.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_designer')
return values
def _get_error_html(cls, env, code, values):
if code in ('page_404', 'protected_403'):
return code.split('_')[1], env['ir.ui.view']._render_template('website.%s' % code, values)
return super()._get_error_html(env, code, values)
def get_frontend_session_info(self):
session_info = super(Http, self).get_frontend_session_info()
geoip_country_code = request.geoip.country_code
geoip_phone_code = request.env['']._phone_code_for(geoip_country_code) if geoip_country_code else None
'is_website_user': ==,
'geoip_country_code': geoip_country_code,
'geoip_phone_code': geoip_phone_code,
'lang_url_code': request.lang._get_cached('url_code'),
if request.env.user.has_group('website.group_website_restricted_editor'):
session_info['bundle_params']['website_id'] =
return session_info
def _is_allowed_cookie(cls, cookie_type):
result = super()._is_allowed_cookie(cookie_type)
if result and cookie_type == 'optional':
if not request.env['website'].get_current_website().cookies_bar:
# Cookies bar is disabled on this website
return True
accepted_cookie_types = json_scriptsafe.loads(request.httprequest.cookies.get('website_cookies_bar', '{}'))
# pre-16.0 compatibility, `website_cookies_bar` was `"true"`.
# In that case we delete that cookie and let the user choose again.
if not isinstance(accepted_cookie_types, dict):
request.future_response.set_cookie('website_cookies_bar', max_age=0)
return False
if 'optional' in accepted_cookie_types:
return accepted_cookie_types['optional']
return False
# Pass-through if already forbidden for another reason or a type that
# is not restricted by the website module.
return result
class ModelConverter(ir_http.ModelConverter):
def to_url(self, value):
if value.env.context.get('slug_matching'):
return value.env.context.get('_converter_value', str(
return super().to_url(value)
def generate(self, env, args, dom=None):
Model = env[self.model]
# Allow to current_website_id directly in route domain
args['current_website_id'] = env['website'].get_current_website().id
domain = safe_eval(self.domain, args)
if dom:
domain += dom
for record in
# return record so URL will be the real endpoint URL as the record will go through `slug()`
# the same way as endpoint URL is retrieved during dispatch (301 redirect), see `to_url()` from ModelConverter
yield record