109 lines
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109 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from odoo import api, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
class SaleOrder(models.Model):
_inherit = "sale.order"
def _cart_find_product_line(self, product_id=None, line_id=None, event_ticket_id=False, **kwargs):
lines = super()._cart_find_product_line(product_id, line_id, **kwargs)
if line_id or not event_ticket_id:
return lines
return lines.filtered(
lambda line: line.event_ticket_id.id == event_ticket_id
def _verify_updated_quantity(self, order_line, product_id, new_qty, event_ticket_id=False, **kwargs):
"""Restrict quantity updates for event tickets according to available seats."""
new_qty, warning = super()._verify_updated_quantity(order_line, product_id, new_qty, **kwargs)
if not event_ticket_id:
if not order_line.event_ticket_id or new_qty < order_line.product_uom_qty:
return new_qty, warning
return order_line.product_uom_qty, _("You cannot raise manually the event ticket quantity in your cart")
# Adding new ticket to the cart (might be automatically linked to an existing line)
ticket = self.env['event.event.ticket'].browse(event_ticket_id).exists()
if not ticket:
raise UserError(_("The provided ticket doesn't exist"))
# TODO TDE consider full cart qty and not only added qty
# if event seats are not auto confirmed.
# Since created registrations are automatically reserved
# We should only consider new added qty and not full quantity
# when checking for seat availability
existing_qty = order_line.product_uom_qty if order_line else 0
qty_added = new_qty - existing_qty
warning = ''
if ticket.seats_limited and ticket.seats_available <= 0:
# Remove existing line if exists and do not add a new one
# if no ticket is available anymore
new_qty = existing_qty
warning = _(
'Sorry, The %(ticket)s tickets for the %(event)s event are sold out.',
elif ticket.seats_limited and qty_added > ticket.seats_available:
new_qty = existing_qty + ticket.seats_available
warning = _(
'Sorry, only %(remaining_seats)d seats are still available for the %(ticket)s ticket for the %(event)s event.',
return new_qty, warning
def _prepare_order_line_values(self, product_id, quantity, event_ticket_id=False, **kwargs):
"""Add corresponding event to the SOline creation values (if ticket is provided)."""
values = super()._prepare_order_line_values(product_id, quantity, **kwargs)
if not event_ticket_id:
return values
ticket = self.env['event.event.ticket'].browse(event_ticket_id)
if ticket.product_id.id != product_id:
raise UserError(_("The ticket doesn't match with this product."))
values['event_id'] = ticket.event_id.id
values['event_ticket_id'] = ticket.id
return values
def _update_cart_line_values(self, order_line, update_values):
"""Remove event registrations on quantity decrease."""
old_qty = order_line.product_uom_qty
super()._update_cart_line_values(order_line, update_values)
if not order_line.event_ticket_id:
new_qty = order_line.product_uom_qty
if new_qty < old_qty:
attendees = self.env['event.registration'].search([
('state', '!=', 'cancel'),
('sale_order_id', '=', self.id),
('event_ticket_id', '=', order_line.event_ticket_id.id),
], offset=new_qty, limit=(old_qty - new_qty), order='create_date asc')
class SaleOrderLine(models.Model):
_inherit = "sale.order.line"
@api.depends('product_id.display_name', 'event_ticket_id.display_name')
def _compute_name_short(self):
""" If the sale order line concerns a ticket, we don't want the product name, but the ticket name instead.
super(SaleOrderLine, self)._compute_name_short()
for record in self:
if record.event_ticket_id:
record.name_short = record.event_ticket_id.display_name