# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import re from odoo.addons.website_event_track.controllers.event_track import EventTrackController from odoo.http import request class WebsiteEventSessionLiveController(EventTrackController): def _event_track_page_get_values(self, event, track, **options): if 'widescreen' not in options: options['widescreen'] = track.youtube_video_url and (track.is_youtube_replay or track.is_track_soon or track.is_track_live or track.is_track_done) values = super(WebsiteEventSessionLiveController, self)._event_track_page_get_values(event, track, **options) # Youtube disables the chat embed on all mobile devices # This regex is a naive attempt at matching their behavior (should work for most cases) values['is_mobile_chat_disabled'] = bool(re.match( r'^.*(Android|iPad|iPhone).*', request.httprequest.headers.get('User-Agent', request.httprequest.headers.get('user-agent', '')))) return values