79 lines
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79 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
from werkzeug.exceptions import Forbidden
from odoo import http
from odoo.addons.website_event_track.controllers.event_track import EventTrackController
from odoo.http import request
class WebsiteEventTrackQuiz(EventTrackController):
# ----------------------------------------------------------
@http.route('/event_track/quiz/submit', type="json", auth="public", website=True)
def event_track_quiz_submit(self, event_id, track_id, answer_ids):
track = self._fetch_track(track_id)
track_sudo = track.sudo()
event_track_visitor = track._get_event_track_visitors(force_create=True)
if event_track_visitor.quiz_completed:
return {'error': 'track_quiz_done'}
# fetch as sudo because questions / answers may not be freely available to public
answers_details = self._get_quiz_answers_details(track_sudo, answer_ids)
if answers_details.get('error'):
return answers_details
'quiz_completed': True,
'quiz_points': answers_details['points'],
result = {
'answers': {
answer.question_id.id: {
'awarded_points': answer.awarded_points,
'correct_answer': answer.question_id.correct_answer_id.text_value,
'is_correct': answer.is_correct,
'comment': answer.comment
} for answer in answers_details['user_answers']
'quiz_completed': event_track_visitor.quiz_completed,
'quiz_points': answers_details['points']
return result
@http.route('/event_track/quiz/reset', type="json", auth="public", website=True)
def quiz_reset(self, event_id, track_id):
track = self._fetch_track(track_id)
# When the 'unlimited tries' option is disabled and the user is not
# identifed as an event manager, we do not allow the user to reset
# the quiz. The event managers will always be able to reset the quiz
# even if the option is disabled (for testing purposes).
if not request.env.user.has_group('event.group_event_manager') and not track.sudo().quiz_id.repeatable:
raise Forbidden()
event_track_visitor = track._get_event_track_visitors(force_create=True)
'quiz_completed': False,
'quiz_points': 0,
def _get_quiz_answers_details(self, track, answer_ids):
questions_count = track.quiz_questions_count
user_answers = request.env['event.quiz.answer'].sudo().search([('id', 'in', answer_ids)])
if len(user_answers.mapped('question_id')) != questions_count:
return {'error': 'quiz_incomplete'}
return {
'user_answers': user_answers,
'points': sum([
for answer in user_answers