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/** @odoo-module **/
import { registry } from "@web/core/registry";
registry.category("").add('forum_question', {
test: true,
url: '/forum/help-1',
steps: () => [
content: "Ask the question in this forum by clicking on the button.",
trigger: '.o_wforum_ask_btn',
}, {
content: "Give your question content.",
trigger: 'input[name=post_name]',
run: 'text First Question Title',
}, {
content: "Put your question here.",
extra_trigger: "#wrap:not(:has(input[name=post_name]:propValue('')))",
trigger: '.note-editable p',
run: 'text First Question',
}, {
content: "Insert tags related to your question.",
extra_trigger: '.note-editable:not(:has(br))',
trigger: '.select2-choices',
run: 'text Tag',
}, {
content: "Click to post your question.",
extra_trigger: "#wrap:not(:has(input[id=s2id_autogen2]:propValue('')))",
trigger: 'button:contains("Post")',
}, {
content: "This page contain new created question.",
trigger: '#wrap:has(".fa-star")',
run: function() {}, //it's a check that page has been reloaded,
}, {
content: "Close modal once modal animation is done.",
extra_trigger: 'div.modal.modal_shown',
trigger: ".modal-header button.btn-close",
trigger: "a:contains(\"Answer\").collapsed",
content: "Click to answer.",
position: "bottom",
content: "Put your answer here.",
trigger: '.note-editable p',
run: 'text First Answer',
}, {
content: "Click to post your answer.",
extra_trigger: '.note-editable:not(:has(br))',
trigger: 'button:contains("Post Answer")',
}, {
content: "Close modal once modal animation is done.",
extra_trigger: 'div.modal.modal_shown',
trigger: ".modal-header button.btn-close",
}, {
content: "Congratulations! You just created and post your first question and answer.",
trigger: '.o_wforum_validate_toggler',
isCheck: true,