/** @odoo-module **/ import wTourUtils from '@website/js/tours/tour_utils'; import slidesTourTools from '@website_slides/../tests/tours/slides_tour_tools'; /** * Global use case: * a user (website restricted editor) creates a course; * they update it; * they create some lessons in it; * they publishe it; */ wTourUtils.registerWebsitePreviewTour('course_publisher', { // TODO: replace by wTourUtils.getClientActionURL when it's added url: '/slides', test: true }, () => [{ content: 'eLearning: click on New (top-menu)', trigger: 'div.o_new_content_container a', }, { content: 'eLearning: click on New Course', trigger: '#o_new_content_menu_choices a:contains("Course")' }, { content: 'eLearning: set name', trigger: 'div[name="name"] input', run: 'text How to Déboulonnate', in_modal: true, }, { content: 'eLearning: click on tags', trigger: '.o_field_many2many_tags input', run: 'text Gard', in_modal: true, }, { content: 'eLearning: select gardener tag', trigger: '.ui-autocomplete a:contains("Gardener")', in_modal: true, }, { content: 'eLearning: set description', trigger: '.o_field_html[name="description"]', run: 'text Déboulonnate is very common at Fleurus', in_modal: true, }, { content: 'eLearning: we want reviews', trigger: '.o_field_boolean[name="allow_comment"] input', }, { content: 'eLearning: seems cool, create it', trigger: 'button:contains("Save")', }, ...wTourUtils.clickOnEditAndWaitEditMode(), { content: 'eLearning: double click image to edit it', trigger: 'iframe img.o_wslides_course_pict', run: 'dblclick', }, { content: 'eLearning: click "Add URL" to trigger URL box', trigger: '.o_upload_media_url_button', }, { content: 'eLearning: add a bioutifoul URL', trigger: 'input.o_we_url_input', run: 'text https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/ThreeTimeAKCGoldWinnerPembrookeWelshCorgi.jpg/800px-ThreeTimeAKCGoldWinnerPembrookeWelshCorgi.jpg' }, { content: 'eLearning: click "Add URL" really adding image', trigger: '.o_upload_media_url_button', extra_trigger: '.o_we_url_success', }, { content: 'eLearning: is the Corgi set ?', trigger: 'iframe img.o_wslides_course_pict[data-original-src$="GoldWinnerPembrookeWelshCorgi.jpg"]', }, { content: 'eLearning: save course edition', trigger: 'button[data-action="save"]', }, { content: 'eLearning: course create with current member', extra_trigger: 'iframe body:not(.editor_enable)', // wait for editor to close trigger: 'iframe .o_wslides_js_course_join:contains("You\'re enrolled")', run: function () {} // check membership } ].concat( slidesTourTools.addExistingCourseTag(true), slidesTourTools.addNewCourseTag('The Most Awesome Course', true), slidesTourTools.addSection('Introduction', true), slidesTourTools.addVideoToSection('Introduction', false, true), [{ content: 'eLearning: publish newly added course', trigger: 'iframe span:contains("Dschinghis Khan - Dschinghis Khan (1979)")', // wait for slide to appear // trigger: 'span.o_wslides_js_slide_toggle_is_preview:first', run: function () { $('.o_website_preview iframe').contents().find('span.o_wslides_js_slide_toggle_is_preview:first')[0].click(); } }] // [ // { // content: 'eLearning: move new course inside introduction', // trigger: 'div.o_wslides_slides_list_drag', // // run: 'drag_and_drop div.o_wslides_slides_list_drag ul.ui-sortable:first', // run: 'drag_and_drop div.o_wslides_slides_list_drag a.o_wslides_js_slide_section_add', // }] ));