161 lines
5.7 KiB
161 lines
5.7 KiB
/** @odoo-module **/
import { registry } from "@web/core/registry";
* Global use case:
* an user (either employee, website restricted editor or portal) joins a public
* they have access to the full course content when they are a member of the
* they use fullscreen player to complete the course;
* they rate the course;
registry.category("web_tour.tours").add('course_member', {
url: '/slides',
test: true,
steps: () => [
// eLearning: go on free course and join it
trigger: 'a:contains("Basics of Gardening - Test")'
}, {
trigger: 'a:contains("Join this Course")'
}, {
trigger: '.o_wslides_js_course_join:contains("You\'re enrolled")',
run: function () {} // check membership
}, {
trigger: 'a:contains("Gardening: The Know-How")',
// eLearning: follow course by cliking on first lesson and going to fullscreen player
trigger: '.o_wslides_fs_slide_name:contains("Home Gardening")',
run: 'click',
// eLearning: share the first slide
trigger: '.o_wslides_fs_share'
}, {
trigger: '.o_wslides_js_share_email input',
run: 'text friend@example.com'
}, {
trigger: '.o_wslides_js_share_email button',
}, {
trigger: '.o_wslides_js_share_email:contains("Sharing is caring")',
run: function () {} // check email has been sent
}, {
trigger: '.modal-footer button:contains("Close")',
// eLeaning: course completion
trigger: '.o_wslides_fs_sidebar_header',
run: function () {
// check navigation with arrow keys
var event = jQuery.Event("keydown");
event.key = "ArrowLeft";
// go back once
// check that it selected the previous tab
if ($('.o_wslides_fs_sidebar_list_item.active:contains("Gardening: The Know-How")').length === 0) {
// getting here means that navigation worked
}, {
trigger: '.o_wslides_fs_sidebar_header.navigation-success-1',
extra_trigger: '.o_wslides_progress_percentage:contains("40")',
run: function () {
// check navigation with arrow keys
var event = jQuery.Event("keydown");
event.key = "ArrowRight";
// check that it selected the next/next tab
if ($('.o_wslides_fs_sidebar_list_item.active:contains("Home Gardening")').length === 0) {
// getting here means that navigation worked
}, {
trigger: '.o_wslides_progress_percentage:contains("40")',
run: function () {} // check progression
}, {
trigger: '.o_wslides_fs_sidebar_header.navigation-success-2',
extra_trigger: '.o_wslides_progress_percentage:contains("40")',
run: function () {
// check navigation with arrow keys
var event = jQuery.Event("keydown");
event.key = "ArrowRight";
setTimeout(function () {
// check that it selected the next/next tab
if ($('.o_wslides_fs_sidebar_list_item.active:contains("Mighty Carrots")').length === 0) {
// getting here means that navigation worked
}, 300);
}, {
trigger: '.o_wslides_progress_percentage:contains("60")',
run: function () {} // check progression
}, {
trigger: '.o_wslides_fs_sidebar_header.navigation-success-3',
extra_trigger: '.o_wslides_progress_percentage:contains("60")',
run: function () {} // check that previous step succeeded
}, {
trigger: '.o_wslides_fs_slide_name:contains("How to Grow and Harvest The Best Strawberries | Basics")',
run: 'click',
}, {
trigger: '.o_wslides_fs_sidebar_section_slides li:contains("How to Grow and Harvest The Best Strawberries | Basics") .o_wslides_slide_completed',
run: function () {} // check that video slide is marked as 'done'
}, {
trigger: '.o_wslides_progress_percentage:contains("80")',
run: function () {} // check progression
// eLearning: last slide is a quiz, complete it
trigger: '.o_wslides_fs_slide_name:contains("Test your knowledge")',
run: 'click',
}, {
trigger: '.o_wslides_js_lesson_quiz_question:first .list-group a:first'
}, {
trigger: '.o_wslides_js_lesson_quiz_question:last .list-group a:first'
}, {
trigger: '.o_wslides_js_lesson_quiz_submit'
}, {
// check that we have a properly motivational message to motivate us!
trigger: '.o_wslides_quiz_modal_rank_motivational > div > div:contains("Reach the next rank and gain a very nice mug!")'
}, {
trigger: 'a:contains("End course")'
// eLearning: ending course redirect to /slides, course is completed now
trigger: 'div:contains("Basics of Gardening") span:contains("Completed")',
run: function () {} // check that the course is marked as completed
// eLearning: go back on course and rate it (new rate or update it, both should work)
trigger: 'a:contains("Basics of Gardening")'
}, {
trigger: 'button[data-bs-target="#ratingpopupcomposer"]'
}, {
trigger: 'div.o_portal_chatter_composer_input i.fa:eq(2)',
extra_trigger: 'div.modal_shown',
run: 'click',
in_modal: false,
}, {
trigger: 'div.o_portal_chatter_composer_input textarea',
run: 'text This is a great course. Top !',
in_modal: false,
}, {
trigger: 'button.o_portal_chatter_composer_btn',
in_modal: false,
}, {
trigger: 'a[id="review-tab"]'
}, {
trigger: '.o_portal_chatter_message:contains("This is a great course. Top !")',
run: function () {}, // check review is correctly added