298 lines
12 KiB
298 lines
12 KiB
/** @odoo-module **/
import { contains } from "@web/../tests/utils";
import { getDataURLFromFile } from "@web/core/utils/urls";
* Constant
var addSection = function (sectionName, backend = false) {
return [
content: 'eLearning: click on Add Section',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'a.o_wslides_js_slide_section_add',
}, {
content: 'eLearning: set section name',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'input[name="name"]',
run: 'text ' + sectionName,
}, {
content: 'eLearning: create section',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'footer.modal-footer button:contains("Save")'
}, {
content: 'eLearning: section created empty',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'div.o_wslides_slide_list_category_header:contains("' + sectionName + '")',
var addVideoToSection = function (sectionName, saveAsDraft, backend = false) {
var base_steps = [
content: 'eLearning: add content to section',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'div.o_wslides_slide_list_category_header:contains("' + sectionName + '") a:contains("Add Content")',
}, {
content: 'eLearning: click on video',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'a[data-slide-category=video]',
}, {
content: 'eLearning: fill video link',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'input[name=video_url]',
run: 'text https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzmI3vAIhbE',
}, {
content: 'eLearning: click outside to trigger onchange',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'div.o_w_slide_upload_modal_container',
run: ({ tip_widget }) => {
if (saveAsDraft) {
base_steps = [].concat(base_steps, [{
content: 'eLearning: save as draft slide',
extra_trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'div.o_slide_preview img:not([src="/website_slides/static/src/img/document.png"])', // wait for onchange to perform its duty
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'footer.modal-footer button:contains("Save as Draft")',
else {
base_steps = [].concat(base_steps, [{
content: 'eLearning: create and publish slide',
extra_trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'div.o_slide_preview img:not([src="/website_slides/static/src/img/document.png"])', // wait for onchange to perform its duty
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'footer.modal-footer button:contains("Publish")',
return base_steps;
var addArticleToSection = function (sectionName, pageName, backend) {
return [
content: 'eLearning: add content to section',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'div.o_wslides_slide_list_category_header:contains("' + sectionName + '") a:contains("Add Content")',
}, {
content: 'eLearning: click on article',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'a[data-slide-category=article]',
}, {
content: 'eLearning: fill article title',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'input[name=name]',
run: 'text ' + pageName,
}, {
content: 'eLearning: click on tags',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'ul.select2-choices:first',
}, {
content: 'eLearning: select Theory tag',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'div.select2-result-label:contains("Theory")',
in_modal: false,
}, {
content: 'eLearning: fill article completion time',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'input[name=duration]',
run: 'text 4',
}, {
content: 'eLearning: create and publish slide',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'footer.modal-footer button:contains("Publish")',
const fillInFileInput = async (input, name, type, content) => {
const blob = await (await fetch(`data:${type};base64,${content}`)).blob();
const file = new File([blob], name, { type: type});
const dataTransfer = new DataTransfer();
input.files = dataTransfer.files;
input.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { bubbles: true }));
const compareBase64Content = async (url, name, type, expectedContent) => {
const blob = await (await fetch(url)).blob();
const file = new File([blob], name, { type: type});
const actualContent = await getDataURLFromFile(file).then(dataURL => dataURL.split(',', 2)[1]);
return expectedContent === actualContent;
* Test the upload of an image file as a new content and especially the binary content of the uploaded image.
const addImageToSection = (sectionName, pageName, backend) => {
const prefix = backend ? 'iframe ' : '';
return [
content: 'eLearning: add content to section',
trigger: `${prefix}div.o_wslides_slide_list_category_header:contains("${sectionName}") a:contains("Add Content")`,
}, {
content: 'eLearning: click on image',
trigger: `${prefix}a[data-slide-category=infographic]`,
}, {
content: 'eLearning: choose upload from device',
trigger: `${prefix}#source_type_local_file`,
}, {
content: 'eLearning: load image',
trigger: 'body',
run: async () => {
const uploadInput = backend ?
document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0].contentWindow.document.getElementById('upload') :
await fillInFileInput(uploadInput, 'Overview.png', 'image/png', testPngImage);
}, {
content: 'eLearning: ensure that the preview is displayed which means that data is loaded and can be submitted',
trigger: `${prefix}#slide-image[src*="data:"]`,
}, {
content: 'eLearning: create and publish slide',
trigger: `${prefix}footer.modal-footer button:contains("Publish")`,
}, {
content: 'eLearning: launch content',
trigger: `${prefix}a.o_wslides_js_slides_list_slide_link:contains("Overview")`,
}, {
content: 'eLearning: check uploaded image presence and perform comparison',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '') + '.o_wslides_fs_player img',
run: async () => {
const baseElement = backend ? document.querySelector('iframe').contentDocument : document;
const img = baseElement.querySelector('.o_wslides_fs_player img');
if (await compareBase64Content(img.getAttribute('src'), 'Overview.png', 'image/png', testPngImage)) {
}, {
content: 'eLearning: check uploaded image content',
trigger: `${prefix}.o_wslides_fs_player img.o_wslides_tour_img_upload_success`,
content: 'eLearning: back to course',
trigger: `${prefix}.o_wslides_fs_sidebar_header a:contains("Déboulonnate")`,
content: 'eLearning: check course page',
trigger: `${prefix}.o_wslides_course_main`,
isCheck: true,
* Test the upload of a pdf file as a new content and especially the binary content of the uploaded pdf.
const addPdfToSection = function (sectionName, pageName, backend) {
const prefix = backend ? 'iframe ' : '';
return [
content: 'eLearning: add content to section',
trigger: `${prefix}div.o_wslides_slide_list_category_header:contains("${sectionName}") a:contains("Add Content")`,
}, {
content: 'eLearning: click on document',
trigger: `${prefix}a[data-slide-category=document]`,
}, {
content: 'eLearning: choose upload from device',
trigger: `${prefix}#source_type_local_file`,
}, {
content: 'eLearning: load pdf',
trigger: 'body',
run: async () => {
const upload = backend ?
document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0].contentWindow.document.getElementById('upload') :
await fillInFileInput(upload, 'Exercise.pdf', 'application/pdf', testPdf);
}, {
content: 'eLearning: ensure that the preview is displayed which means that data is loaded and can be submitted',
trigger: `${prefix}#slide-image[src*="data:"]`,
}, {
content: 'eLearning: create and publish slide',
trigger: `${prefix}footer.modal-footer button:contains("Publish")`,
}, {
content: 'eLearning: launch content',
trigger: `${prefix}a.o_wslides_js_slides_list_slide_link:contains("Exercise")`,
}, {
content: 'eLearning: check uploaded pdf presence and perform comparison',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe.o_iframe ' : '') + '.o_wslides_fs_content',
run: async () => {
const baseElement = backend ? document.querySelector('iframe.o_iframe').contentDocument : document;
await contains('iframe.o_wslides_iframe_viewer', { target: baseElement });
const iframeViewerDoc = baseElement.querySelector('iframe.o_wslides_iframe_viewer').contentDocument;
await contains('#PDFSlideViewer', { target: iframeViewerDoc });
const pdfViewer = iframeViewerDoc.querySelector('#PDFSlideViewer');
if (await compareBase64Content(pdfViewer.getAttribute('data-slideurl'), 'Exercise.pdf', 'application/pdf', testPdf)) {
}, {
content: 'eLearning: check uploaded pdf content',
trigger: `${prefix}.o_wslides_fs_content.o_wslides_tour_pdf_upload_success`,
}, {
content: 'eLearning: back to course',
trigger: `${prefix}.o_wslides_fs_sidebar_header a:contains("Déboulonnate")`,
}, {
content: 'eLearning: check course page',
trigger: `${prefix}.o_wslides_course_main`,
isCheck: true,
var addExistingCourseTag = function (backend = false) {
return [
content: 'eLearning: click on Add Tag',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'a.o_wslides_js_channel_tag_add',
}, {
content: 'eLearning: click on tag dropdown',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'a.select2-choice:first',
}, {
content: 'eLearning: select advanced tag',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'div.select2-result-label:contains("Advanced")',
in_modal: false,
}, {
content: 'eLearning: add existing course tag',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'footer.modal-footer button:contains("Add")'
}, {
content: 'eLearning: check that modal is closed',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'body:not(.modal-open)',
var addNewCourseTag = function (courseTagName, backend) {
return [
content: 'eLearning: click on Add Tag',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'a.o_wslides_js_channel_tag_add',
}, {
content: 'eLearning: click on tag dropdown',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'a.select2-choice:first',
}, {
content: 'eLearning: add a new course tag',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'a.select2-choice:first',
run: function () {
// directly add new tag since we can assume select2 works correctly
let $jq = $;
if (backend) {
$jq = $('.o_website_preview iframe:not(.o_ignore_in_tour)').contents()[0].defaultView.$;
$jq('#tag_id').select2('data', {id:'123', text: courseTagName, create: true});
}, {
content: 'eLearning: click on tag group dropdown',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'a.select2-choice:last',
}, {
content: 'eLearning: select Tags tag group',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'div.select2-result-label:contains("Tags")',
in_modal: false,
}, {
content: 'eLearning: add new course tag',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'footer.modal-footer button:contains("Add")'
}, {
content: 'eLearning: check that modal is closed',
trigger: (backend ? 'iframe ' : '' ) + 'body:not(.modal-open)',
export default {
addSection: addSection,
addImageToSection: addImageToSection,
addPdfToSection: addPdfToSection,
addVideoToSection: addVideoToSection,
addArticleToSection: addArticleToSection,
addExistingCourseTag: addExistingCourseTag,
addNewCourseTag: addNewCourseTag,