710 B
710 B
United States, 2015-09-18
Sodexis, Inc. agrees to the terms of the Odoo Corporate Contributor License Agreement v1.0.
I declare that I am authorized and able to make this agreement and sign this declaration.
Stephan Keller skeller@sodexis.com https://github.com/stephankeller
List of contributors:
Stephan Keller skeller@sodexis.com https://github.com/stephankeller Suganthi Karunanithi ksuganthi@sodexis.com https://github.com/suganthikarunanithi Xavier Dass xavier@sodexis.com https://github.com/xavier-dass Atchuthan atchuthan@sodexis.com https://github.com/atchuthan Karthik Arumugam karthik@sodexis.com https://github.com/amkarthik SodexisTeam dev@sodexis.com https://github.com/SodexisTeam