805 B
805 B
Germany, 2019-05-14
ecoservice GbR agrees to the terms of the Odoo Corporate Contributor License Agreement v1.0.
I declare that I am authorized and able to make this agreement and sign this declaration.
Falk Neubert neubert@ecoservice.de https://github.com/FNeu75
List of contributors:
- Christian Engelhardt c.engelhardt@ecoservice.de https://github.com/c-engelhardt-ecoservice
- Christian Schöttke c.schoettke@ecoservice.de https://github.com/cschoettke
- Falk Neubert neubert@ecoservice.de https://github.com/FNeu75
- Gülhan Celik g.celik@ecoservice.de https://github.com/guelhancelik
- Jan Brodersen 4rmitxes@gmail.com https://github.com/Armitxes
- Kamal Prajapati k.prajapati@ecoservice.de https://github.com/kamalprajapati
- Marcel Much m.much@ecoservice.de https://github.com/mmuch