670 B
670 B
Spain, 2021-01-04
Moduon Team S.L. agrees to the terms of the Odoo Corporate Contributor License Agreement v1.0.
I declare that I am authorized and able to make this agreement and sign this declaration.
Rafael Blasco rblasco@moduon.team https://github.com/rafaelbn
List of contributors:
Jairo Llopis jairo@moduon.team https://github.com/Yajo Eduardo De Miguel edu@moduon.team https://github.com/Shide moduonbot moduonbot@moduon.team https://github.com/moduonbot Rafael Blasco rblasco@moduon.team https://github.com/rafaelbn Andrea Cattalani andrea@moduon.team https://github.com/anddago78 Emilio Pascual emilio@moduon.team https://github.com/emiliopascual