740 B
740 B
Netherlands, 2016-02-18
Onestein BV agrees to the terms of the Odoo Corporate Contributor License Agreement v1.0.
We declare that we are authorized and able to make this agreement and sign this declaration.
- Samer Nefawa s.nefawa@onestein.nl https://github.com/samernefawa
List of contributors:
- Samer Nefawa s.nefawa@onestein.nl https://github.com/samernefawa
- Niels Middeldorp n.middeldorp@onestein.nl https://github.com/nielsmiddeldorp
- Kevin Graveman k.graveman@onestein.nl https://github.com/pankk
- Dennis Sluijk d.sluijk@onestein.nl https://github.com/tarteo
- Richard Dijkstra r.dijkstra@onestein.nl https://github.com/RichDijk
- Andrea Stirpe a.stirpe@onestein.nl https://github.com/astirpe